🔓 indicates open access option
Experimental observation of repulsively bound magnons (B4)
Zhe Wang, Catalin-Mihai Halati, Jean-Sébastien Bernier, Alexey Ponomaryov, Denis I. Gorbunov, Sandra Niesen, Oliver Breunig, J. Michael Klopf, Sergei Zvyagin, Thomas Lorenz, Alois Loidl & Corinna Kollath: Nature (2024)
Floquet-driven crossover from density-assisted tunneling to enhanced pair tunneling (B3, B4)
🔓 Nick Klemmer, Janek Fleper, Valentin Jonas, Ameneh Sheikhan, Corinna Kollath, Michael Köhl, Andrea Bergschneider:  arXiv:2404.08482 (2024)
Controlling the dynamics of atomic correlations via the coupling to a dissipative cavity (B4)
🔓 Catalin-Mihai Halati, Ameneh Sheikhan, Giovanna Morigi, Corinna Kollath:  arXiv:2403.20096 (2024)
Level statistics of the one-dimensional dimerized Hubbard model (B4)
🔓 Karin Haderlein, David J. Luitz, Corinna Kollath, Ameneh Sheikhan:  J. Stat. Mech. (2024) 073101 (2024)
Momentum-resolved Floquet-engineered pair and single-particle filter in the Fermi-Hubbard model (A5, B4)
🔓 Friedrich Hübner, Christoph Dauer, Sebastian Eggert, Corinna Kollath, and Ameneh Sheikhan: Phys. Rev. A 108, 023307 (2023)
Majorana edge modes in a spinful-particle conserving model (B4)
🔓 Franco T. Lisandrini and Corinna Kollath: Phys. Rev. B 106, 245121 (2022)
Level statistics of the one-dimensional ionic Hubbard model (B3, B4)
🔓 Jeannette De Marco, Luisa Tolle, Catalin-Mihai Halati, Ameneh Sheikhan, Andreas M. Läuchli, and Corinna Kollath: Phys. Rev. Research 4, 033119 (2022)
Floquet-engineered pair and single particle filter in the Fermi Hubbard model (A5, B4)
🔓 Friedrich Hübner, Christoph Dauer, Sebastian Eggert, Corinna Kollath, Ameneh Sheikhan: Phys. Rev. A 106, 043303 (2022)
Radio-frequency driving of an attractive Fermi gas in a one-dimensional optical lattice (B4)
🔓 Johannes Kombe, Michael Köhl, Corinna Kollath, Jean-Sebastien Bernier: Phys. Rev. A 105, 023330 (2022)
Decay and revival of a transient trapped Fermi condensate (B4)
🔓 Timothy Harrison, Martin Link, Alexandra Behrle, Kuiyi Gao, Andreas Kell, Johannes Kombe, Jean-Sébastien Bernier, Corinna Kollath, Michael Köhl: Phys. Rev. Research 3, 023205 (2021)
Competing magnetic orders in a bilayer Hubbard model with ultracold atoms (B4)
🔓 Marcell Gall, Nicola Wurz, Jens Samland, Chun F Chan, and Michael Köhl: Nature 589, 40 (2021)
Numerical evaluation of two-time correlation functions in open quantum systems with matrix product state methods: a comparison (B4)
🔓 Stefan Wolff, Ameneh Sheikhan, and Corinna Kollath: SciPost Physics Core, 3(2), 010 (2020)
Dynamically enhanced unconventional superconducting correlations in a Hubbard ladder (B4)
🔓 Ameneh Sheikhan and Corinna Kollath: Phys. Rev. B, 102, 035163 (2020)
Dissipative generation of pure steady states and a gambler's ruin problem (B4)
🔓 Vladislav Popkov, Simon Essink, Corinna Kollath, and Carlo Presilla: Phys. Rev. A, 102, 032205 (2020)
Numerically Exact Treatment of Many-Body Self-Organization in a Cavity (B4)
🔓 Catalin-Mihai Halati, Ameneh Sheikhan, Helmut Ritsch, and Corinna Kollath: Phys. Rev. Lett., 125, 093604 (2020)
Theoretical methods to treat a single dissipative bosonic mode coupled globally to an interacting many-body system (B4)
🔓 Catalin-Mihai Halati, Ameneh Sheikhan, and Corinna Kollath: Phys. Rev. Research, 2, 043255 (2020)
Simulating a Mott Insulator Using Attractive Interaction (B4)
🔓 M. Gall, C.F. Shan, N. Wurz, and M. Köhl: Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 010403 (2020)
Pair correlations in the attractive Hubbard model (B4)
🔓 C. F Chan, M. Gall, N. Wurz, and M. Köhl: Phys. Rev. Research, 2, 023210 (2020)
Melting of the critical behavior of a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid under dephasing (B4)
🔓 Jean-Sébastien Bernier, Ryan Tan, Chu Guo, Corinna Kollath, and Dario Poletti: Phys. Rev. B, 102, 115156 (2020)
Dipole oscillations of fermionic quantum gases along the BEC-BCS crossover in disordered potentials (A4, A5, B4, B5)
🔓 Benjamin Nagler, Kevin Jägering, Ameneh Sheikhan, Sian Barbosa, Jennifer Koch, Sebastian Eggert, Imke Schneider, and Artur Widera: Phys. Rev. A 101, 053633 (2020)
Evolution of two-time correlations in dissipative quantum spin systems: aging and hierarchical dynamics (B4)
🔓 Stefan Wolff, Jean-Sebastien Bernier, Dario Poletti, Ameneh Sheikhan, and Corinna Kollath: Phys. Rev. B, 100, 165144 (2019)
Cavity-induced superconducting and 4kF charge-density-wave states (B4)
🔓 Ameneh Sheikhan and Corinna Kollath: Phys. Rev. A, 99, 053611 (2019)
Finite-duration interaction quench in dilute attractively interacting Fermi gases: Emergence of preformed pairs (B4)
Johannes Kombe, Jean-Sébastien Bernier, Michael Köhl, and Corinna Kollath: Phys. Rev. A 100, 013604 (2019)
Cavity-induced spin-orbit coupling in an interacting boson wire (B4)
🔓 C.-M. Halati, A. Sheikhan, and C. Kollath: Phys. Rev. A 99, 033604 (2019)
Coherent manipulation of spin correlations in the Hubbard model (B4)
🔓 N. Wurz, C.F. Chan, M. Gall, J.H. Drewes, E. Cocchi, L.A. Miller, D. Pertot, F. Brennecke, and M. Köhl: Phys. Rev. A 97, 051602(R) (2018)
Finite-temperature dynamical correlations for the dimerized spin -1/2 chain (B4)
🔓 E. Coira, P. Barmettler, T. Giamarchi, and C. Kollath: Phys. Rev. B, 98, 104435 (2018)
Higgs mode in a strongly interacting fermionic superfluid (B4)
🔓 A. Behrle, T. Harrison, J. Kombe, K. Gao, M. Link, J.-S. Bernier, C. Kollath, and M. Köhl: Nature Physics 14, 781-785 (2018)
Cavity-induced artificial gauge field in a Bose-Hubbard ladder (B4)
🔓 C.-M. Halati, A. Sheikhan, and C. Kollath: Phys. Rev. A 96, 063621 (2017)
Antiferromagnetic Correlations in Two-Dimensional Fermionic Mott-Insulating and Metallic Phases (B4)
🔓 J.H. Drewes, L.A. Miller, E. Cocchi, C.F. Chan, N. Wurz, M. Gall, D. Pertot, F. Brennecke, and M. Köhl: Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 170401 (2017)
Measuring Entropy and Short-Range Correlations in the Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model (B4)
🔓 E. Cocchi, L.A. Miller, J.H. Drewes, C.F. Chan, D. Pertot, F. Brennecke, and M. Köhl: Phys. Rev. X 7, 031025 (2017)
Cavity-induced generation of nontrivial topological states in a two-dimensional Fermi gas (B4)
🔓 A. Sheikhan, F. Brennecke, and C. Kollath: Phys. Rev. A 94, 061603 (R) (2016)
Thermodynamics versus Local Density Fluctuations in the Metal-Mott-Insulator Crossover (B4)
🔓 J.H. Drewes, E. Cocchi, L.A. Miller, C.F. Chan, D. Pertot, F. Brennecke, and M. Köhl: Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 135301 (2016)
Equation State of the Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model (B4)
🔓 E. Cocchi, L.A. Miller, J. Drewes, M. Koschorreck, D. Pertot, F. Brennecke, and M. Köhl: Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 175301 (2016)