🔓 indicates open access option
Dissipative Dicke time crystals: an atoms' point of view (A4, A5)
🔓 Simon B. Jäger, Jan Mathis Giesen, Imke Schneider, Sebastian Eggert: Phys. Rev. A 110, L010202 (2024)
Nonlinear effects on charge fractionalization in critical chains (A4, A5)
🔓 Flávia B. Ramos, Rodrigo G. Pereira, Sebastian Eggert, Imke Schneider: Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 086502 (2024)
Indication of critical scaling in time during the relaxation of an open quantum system (A4)
🔓 Ling-Na Wu, Jens Nettersheim, Julian Feß, Alexander Schnell, Sabrina Burgardt, Silvia Hiebel, Daniel Adam, André Eckardt, Artur Widera: Nat Commun 15, 1714 (2024)
Coherence properties of the repulsive anyon-Hubbard dimer (A4, A5, B6)
🔓 Martin Bonkhoff, Simon B. Jäger, Imke Schneider, Axel Pelster, and Sebastian Eggert: Phys. Rev. B 108, 155134 (2023)
Measuring the environment of a Cs qubit with dynamical decoupling sequences (A4)
🔓 S. Burgardt, S. B. Jäger, J. Feß, S. Hiebel, I. Schneider and A. Widera: J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 56 (2023)
Power-law decay of correlations after a global quench in the massive XXZ chain (A4)
🔓 Flávia B. Ramos, Andrew Urichuk, Imke Schneider, and Jesko Sirker: Phys. Rev. B 107, 075138 (2023)
Generalized Clausius inequalities in a nonequilibrium cold-atom system (A4)
🔓 Daniel Mayer, Eric Lutz, and Artur Widera: Commun Phys 6, 61 (2023)
Sensitivity of a collisional single-atom spin probe (A4)
🔓 Jens Nettersheim, Quentin Bouton, Daniel Adam, Artur Widera: SciPost Phys. Core 6, 009 (2023)Â
Floquet-heating-induced Bose condensation in a scar-like mode of an open driven optical-lattice system (A4)
🔓 Alexander Schnell, Ling-Na Wu, Artur Widera, André Eckardt: Phys. Rev. A 107, L021301 (2023)
Boundary logarithmic corrections to the dynamical correlation functions of one-dimensional spin-1/2 chains (A4, A5)
🔓 Imke Schneider, Ipsita Mandal, Polina Matveeva, Dominik Strassel, and Sebastian Eggert: Phys. Rev. B 106, 155104 (2022)
Power of a Quasispin Quantum Otto Engine at Negative Effective Spin Temperature (A4)
🔓 Jens Nettersheim, Sabrina Burgardt, Quentin Bouton, Daniel Adam, Eric Lutz, and Artur Widera: PRX Quantum 3, 040334 (2022)
Coherent and dephasing spectroscopy for single-impurity probing of an ultracold bath (A4)
🔓 Daniel Adam, Quentin Bouton, Jens Nettersheim, Sabrina Burgardt, Artur Widera: Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 120404 (2022)
A quantum heat engine driven by atomic collisions (A4)
🔓 Quentin Bouton, Jens Nettersheim, Sabrina Burgardt, Daniel Adam, Eric Lutz & Artur Widera: Nature Communications volume 12, 2063 (2021)
Nonequilibrium Floquet Steady States of Time-Periodic Driven Luttinger Liquids (A4, A5)
🔓 Serena Fazzini, Piotr Chudzinski, Christoph Dauer, Imke Schneider, and Sebastian Eggert: Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 243401 (2021)
Dipole oscillations of fermionic quantum gases along the BEC-BCS crossover in disordered potentials (A4, A5, B4, B5)
🔓 Benjamin Nagler, Kevin Jägering, Ameneh Sheikhan, Sian Barbosa, Jennifer Koch, Sebastian Eggert, Imke Schneider, and Artur Widera: Phys. Rev. A 101, 053633 (2020)
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics and optimal cooling of a dilute atomic gas (A4)
🔓 Daniel Mayer, Felix Schmidt, Steve Haupt, Quentin Bouton, Daniel Adam, Tobias Lausch, Eric Lutz, and Artur Widera: Phys. Rev. Research 2, 023245 (2020)
Decoherence of charge density waves in beam splitters for interacting quantum wires (A4, A6)
🔓 Andreas Schulz, Imke Schneider, and James Anglin: Phys. Rev. B, 101, 235136 (2020)
Thermalization and Nonequilibrium Steady States in a Few-Atom System (A4)
🔓 Daniel Mayer and Artur Widera: Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, 75, 413 - 420 (2020)
Single-Atom Quantum Probes for Ultracold Gases Boosted by Nonequilibrium Spin Dynamics (A4)
🔓 Quentin Bouton, Jens Nettersheim, Daniel Adam, Felix Schmidt, Daniel Mayer, Tobias Lausch, Eberhard Tiemann, and Artur Widera: Phys. Rev. X, 10, 011018 (2020)
Tailored Single-Atom Collisions at Ultralow Energies (A4)
🔓 Felix Schmidt, Daniel Mayer, Quentin Bouton, Daniel Adam, Tobias Lausch, Jens Nettersheim, Eberhard Tiemann, and Artur Widera: Phys. Rev. Lett., 122, 013401 (2019)
Periodically Driven Many-Body Systems: A Floquet Density Matrix Renormalization Group Study (A4, A5)
🔓 Shaon Sahoo, Imke Schneider, and Sebastian Eggert: arXiv:1906.00004 (2019)
Quantum Spin Dynamics of Individual Neutral Impurities Coupled to a Bose-Einstein Condensate (A4)
🔓 Felix Schmidt, Daniel Mayer, Quentin Bouton, Daniel Adam, Tobias Lausch, Nicolas Spethmann, and Artur Widera: Phys. Rev. Lett., 121, 130403 (2018)
Controlled doping of a bosonic quantum gas with single neutral atoms (A4)
🔓 Daniel Mayer, Felix Schmidt, Daniel Adam, Steve Haupt, Jennifer Koch, Tobias Lausch, Jens Nettersheim, Quentin Bouton, and Artur Wider: Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 52 015301 (2018)
Dynamic structure factor in impurity-doped spin chains (A4, A5)
🔓 Annabelle Bohrdt, Kevin Jägering, Sebastian Eggert, and Imke Schneider: Phys. Rev. B, 98, 020402 (2018)
Individual Tracer Atoms in an Ultracold Dilute Gas (A4)
🔓 M. Hohmann, F. Kindermann, T. Lausch, D. Mayer, F. Schmidt, E. Lutz, and A. Widera: Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 263401 (2017)