🔓 indicates open access option
Speeding up squeezing with a periodically driven Dicke model (A5)
🔓 Jarrod T. Reilly, Simon B. Jäger, John Drew Wilson, John Cooper, Sebastian Eggert, and Murray J. Holland: Phys. Rev. Research 6, 033090 (2024)
Dynamical quantum phase transitions following a noisy quench (A5)
🔓 R. Jafari, A. Langari, S. Eggert, and Henrik Johannesson: Phys. Rev. B 109, L180303 (2024)
Dissipative Dicke time crystals: an atoms' point of view (A4, A5)
🔓 Simon B. Jäger, Jan Mathis Giesen, Imke Schneider, Sebastian Eggert: Phys. Rev. A 110, L010202 (2024)
Periodic quantum Rabi model with cold atoms at deep strong coupling (C5)
🔓 Geram R. Hunanyan, Johannes Koch, Stefanie Moll, Enrique Rico, Enrique Solano, Martin Weitz: Phys. Rev. Research 6, 033023 (2024)
Experimental observation of repulsively bound magnons (B4)
Zhe Wang, Catalin-Mihai Halati, Jean-Sébastien Bernier, Alexey Ponomaryov, Denis I. Gorbunov, Sandra Niesen, Oliver Breunig, J. Michael Klopf, Sergei Zvyagin, Thomas Lorenz, Alois Loidl & Corinna Kollath: Nature (2024)
Nonlinear effects on charge fractionalization in critical chains (A4, A5)
🔓 Flávia B. Ramos, Rodrigo G. Pereira, Sebastian Eggert, Imke Schneider: Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 086502 (2024)
Observation of nonlinear response and Onsager regression in a photon Bose-Einstein condensate (B1, C7N)
🔓 Alexander Sazhin, Vladimir N. Gladilin, Andris Erglis, Göran Hellmann, Frank Vewinger, Martin Weitz, Michiel Wouters & Julian Schmitt: Nat Commun 15, 4730 (2024)
Rydberg Platform for Nonergodic Chiral Quantum Dynamics (B2)
🔓 Riccardo J. Valencia-Tortora, Nicola Pancotti, Michael Fleischhauer, Hannes Bernien, and Jamir Marino: Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 223201 (2024)
Anomalous Directed Percolation on a Dynamic Network using Rydberg Facilitation (B2)
🔓 Daniel Brady, Simon Ohler, Johannes Otterbach, Michael Fleischhauer:  arXiv:2404.16523 (2024)
Floquet-driven crossover from density-assisted tunneling to enhanced pair tunneling (B3, B4)
🔓 Nick Klemmer, Janek Fleper, Valentin Jonas, Ameneh Sheikhan, Corinna Kollath, Michael Köhl, Andrea Bergschneider:  arXiv:2404.08482 (2024)
Controlling the dynamics of atomic correlations via the coupling to a dissipative cavity (B4)
🔓 Catalin-Mihai Halati, Ameneh Sheikhan, Giovanna Morigi, Corinna Kollath:  arXiv:2403.20096 (2024)
A chiral quantum router with Rydberg atoms (B2)
🔓 Nikolaos E. Palaiodimopoulos, Simon Ohler, Michael Fleischhauer, David Petrosyan: Phys. Rev. A 109, 032622 (2024)
Non-Markovian dynamics of open quantum systems via auxiliary particles with exact operator constraint (B1)
🔓 Tim Bode, Michael Kajan, Francisco Meirinhos, and Johann Kroha: Phys. Rev. Research 6, 013220 (2024)
Temporal Bistability in the Dissipative Dicke-Bose-Hubbard System (B1)
🔓 Tianyi Wu, Sayak Ray, and Johann Kroha: Ann. Phys. (Berlin) 2024, 2300505 (2024)
Nanomechanically-induced nonequilibrium quantum phase transition to a self-organized density wave of a Bose-Einstein condensate (A2, B6)
🔓 Milan Radonjić, Leon Mixa, Axel Pelster, Michael Thorwart: Phys. Rev. Research 6, 033094 (2024)
Griffiths Phase in a Facilitated Rydberg Gas at Low Temperature (B2)
🔓 Daniel Brady, Jana Bender, Patrick Mischke, Simon Ohler, Thomas Niederprüm, Herwig Ott, Michael Fleischhauer: Phys. Rev. Research 6, 013052 (2024) Â
Level statistics of the one-dimensional dimerized Hubbard model (B4)
🔓 Karin Haderlein, David J. Luitz, Corinna Kollath, Ameneh Sheikhan:  J. Stat. Mech. (2024) 073101 (2024)
Bose-Einstein Condensation of Photons in a Four-Site Quantum Ring (B1)
🔓 Andreas Redmann, Christian Kurtscheid, Niels Wolf, Frank Vewinger, Julian Schmitt, Martin Weitz:  arXiv:2312.14741 (2023)
Repulsively bound magnon excitations of a spin-1/2 XXZ chain in a staggered transverse field (B3)
🔓 Catalin-Mihai Halati, Zhe Wang, Thomas Lorenz, Corinna Kollath, and Jean-Sébastien Bernier: Phys. Rev. B 108, 224429 (2023)
Dynamic Hysteresis Across a Dissipative Multi-Mode Phase Transition (B3)
🔓 Marvin Röhrle, Jens Benary, Erik Bernhart, Herwig Ott: arXiv:2312.09848 (2023)
Kondo coherence versus superradiance in THz radiation-driven heavy-fermion systems (B1)
🔓 Chia-Jung Yang, Michael Woerner, Oliver Stockert, Hilbert v. Loehneysen, Johann Kroha, Manfred Fiebig, Shovon Pal:  arXiv:2312.06931 (2023)
Collective Radiative Interactions in the Discrete Truncated Wigner Approximation (B2)
🔓 Christopher D. Mink, Michael Fleischhauer:  SciPost Phys. 15, 233 (2023)
Dimensional Crossover in a Quantum Gas of Light (B1, B6)
🔓 Kirankumar Karkihalli Umesh, Julian Schulz, Julian Schmitt, Martin Weitz, Georg von Freymann, Frank Vewinger:  arXiv:2311.10485 (2023)
All-optical measurement of magnetic fields for quantum gas experiments (C6)
🔓 Suthep Pomjaksilp, Sven Schmidt, Aaron Thielmann, Thomas Niederprüm, Herwig Ott:  arXiv:2311.08497 (2023)
Coupled high-finesse optical Fabry-Perot microcavities (A2)
🔓 Steffen Gohlke, Thorsten Langerfeld, Andrea Bergschneider, Michael Köhl:  arXiv:2311.09647 (2023)
Projection Optimization Method for Open-Dissipative Quantum Fluids and its Application to a Single Vortex in a Photon Bose-Einstein Condensate (B6)
🔓 Joshua Krauß, Marcos Alberto Gonçalves dos Santos Filho, Francisco Ednilson Alves dos Santos, Axel Pelster:  arXiv:2311.10027 (2023)
Unravelling Interaction and Temperature Contributions in Unpolarized Trapped Fermionic Atoms in the BCS Regime (B5, B6)
🔓 Sejung Yong, Sian Barbosa, Jennifer Koch, Felix Lang, Axel Pelster, Artur Widera:  arXiv:2311.08853 (2023)
Fermi accelerating an Anderson-localized Fermi gas to superdiffusion (B5)
🔓 Sian Barbosa, Maximilian Kiefer-Emmanouilidis, Felix Lang, Jennifer Koch, Artur Widera:  arXiv:2311.08224 (2023)
What can we learn from diffusion about Anderson localization of a degenerate Fermi gas? (B5)
🔓 Sian Barbosa, Maximilian Kiefer-Emmanouilidis, Felix Lang, Jennifer Koch, Artur Widera:  arXiv:2311.07505 (2023)
Three-dimensional sculpting of laser beams (A2)
🔓 Tobias Kree, Michael Köhl: SciPost Phys. 15, 034 (2023)
Kritische Verlangsamung und Vernichtung von Fermionen (C4)
Chia-Jung Yang, Manfred Fiebig, Shovon Pal, Johann Kroha: Physik in unserer Zeit 54 (6), 269 (2023)
Broadband mode division multiplexing of OAM-modes by a micro printed waveguide structure (B6)
🔓 Julian Schulz, Georg von Freymann:  arXiv:2310.08489 (2023)
Momentum-resolved Floquet-engineered pair and single-particle filter in the Fermi-Hubbard model (A5, B4)
🔓 Friedrich Hübner, Christoph Dauer, Sebastian Eggert, Corinna Kollath, and Ameneh Sheikhan: Phys. Rev. A 108, 023307 (2023)
DC transport in a dissipative superconducting quantum point contact (B3)
🔓 Anne-Maria Visuri, Jeffrey Mohan, Shun Uchino, Meng-Zi Huang, Tilman Esslinger, and Thierry Giamarchi: Phys. Rev. Research 5, 033095 (2023)
Detecting the phase transition in a strongly-interacting Fermi gas by unsupervised machine learning (C6)
🔓 D. Eberz, M. Link, A. Kell, M. Breyer, K. Gao, and M. Köhl: Phys. Rev. A, in press (2023)
Coherence properties of the repulsive anyon-Hubbard dimer (A4, A5, B6)
🔓 Martin Bonkhoff, Simon B. Jäger, Imke Schneider, Axel Pelster, and Sebastian Eggert: Phys. Rev. B 108, 155134 (2023)
Stability and sensitivity of interacting fermionic superfluids to quenched disorder (B5)
🔓 Jennifer Koch, Sian Barbosa, Felix Lang, Artur Widera:  arXiv:2310.11213 (2023)
A quantum engine in the BEC–BCS crossover (B5)
🔓 Jennifer Koch, Keerthy Menon, Eloisa Cuestas, Sian Barbosa, Eric Lutz, Thomás Fogarty, Thomas Busch, Artur Widera: Nature 621, 723–727 (2023)
A Rydberg platform for non-ergodic chiral quantum dynamics (B2)
🔓 Riccardo J. Valencia-Tortora, Nicola Pancotti, Michael Fleischhauer, Hannes Bernien, Jamir Marino: arXiv:2309.12392 (2023)
Mean-field approach to Rydberg facilitation in a gas of atoms at high and low temperatures (B2)
🔓 Daniel Brady, Michael Fleischhauer: Phys. Rev. A 108, 052812 (2023)
Observation of a topological edge state stabilized by dissipation (B1, C1, C4)
🔓 Helene Wetter, Michael Fleischhauer, Stefan Linden, Julian Schmitt: Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 083801 (2023)Â
Measuring the environment of a Cs qubit with dynamical decoupling sequences (A4)
🔓 S. Burgardt, S. B. Jäger, J. Feß, S. Hiebel, I. Schneider and A. Widera: J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 56 (2023)
Critical slowing down near a magnetic quantum phase transition with fermionic breakdown (C4)
🔓 Chia-Jung Yang, Kristin Kliemt, Cornelius Krellner, Johann Kroha, Manfred Fiebig, Shovon Pal:  Nat. Phys. 19, 1605–1610 (2023)
Two-photon excitation and absorption spectroscopy of gaseous and supercritical xenon (B1)
🔓 Thilo vom Hövel, Franz Huybrechts, Eric Boltersdorf, Christian Wahl, Frank Vewinger, Martin Weitz: Phys. Rev. A 108, 012821 (2023)Â
Kapitza Trap for Ultracold Atoms (B3)
🔓 Jian Jiang, Erik Bernhart, Marvin Röhrle, Jens Benary, Marvin Beck, Christian Baals, Herwig Ott:  Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 033401 (2023)
Driven-dissipative Bose-Einstein condensation of photons in a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (B6)
🔓 Maciej Pieczarka, Marcin Gębski, Aleksandra N. Piasecka, James A. Lott, Axel Pelster, Michał Wasiak, Tomasz Czyszanowski: arXiv:2307.00081 (2023)
Characterizing quantum gases in correlated-disorder realizations using density-density correlations (B5)
🔓 Silvia Hiebel, Benjamin Nagler, Sian Barbosa, Jennifer Koch, Artur Widera:  arXiv:2306.16099 (2023)
Emergence of damped-localized excitations of the Mott state due to disorder (B5, B6)
🔓 R S Souza, A Pelster and F E A dos Santos: New J. Phys. 25 063015 (2023)
Superfluid Signatures in a Dissipative Quantum Point Contact (B3)
🔓 Meng-Zi Huang, Jeffrey Mohan, Anne-Maria Visuri, Philipp Fabritius, Mohsen Talebi, Simon Wili, Shun Uchino, Thierry Giamarchi, and Tilman Esslinger: Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 200404 (2023)
Machine Learning the Phase Diagram of a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas (C6)
🔓 M. Link, K. Gao, A. Kell, M. Breyer, D. Eberz, B. Rauf, and M. Köhl: Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 203401 (2023)
Sunlight-pumped two-dimensional thermalized photon gas (B1)
🔓 Erik Busley, Leon Espert Miranda, Christian Kurtscheid, Frederik Wolf, Frank Vewinger, Julian Schmitt, Martin Weitz: Phys. Rev. A 107, 052204 (2023)Â
Power-law decay of correlations after a global quench in the massive XXZ chain (A4)
🔓 Flávia B. Ramos, Andrew Urichuk, Imke Schneider, and Jesko Sirker: Phys. Rev. B 107, 075138 (2023)
Dynamics of polaron formation in 1D Bose gases in the strong-coupling regime (B2)
🔓 Martin Will, Michael Fleischhauer: New J. Phys. 25 083043 (2023)
Generalized Clausius inequalities in a nonequilibrium cold-atom system (A4)
🔓 Daniel Mayer, Eric Lutz, and Artur Widera: Commun Phys 6, 61 (2023)
Engineering long-range molecular potentials by external drive (B2)
🔓 Tanita Klas, Jana Bender, Patrick Mischke, Thomas Niederprüm, Herwig Ott:  arXiv:2303.07715 (2023)
Exact Diagonalisation of Photon Bose-Einstein Condensates with Thermo-Optic Interaction (B6)
🔓 Enrico Stein, Axel Pelster: New J. Phys. 25 033026 (2023)
Hartree–Fock analogue theory of thermo-optic interaction (B6)
🔓 Enrico Stein, Axel Pelster: New J. Phys. 25 033025 (2023)
Asymmetry effects on the phases of RKKY-coupled two-impurity Kondo systems (C4)
🔓 Krzysztof P. Wójcik and Johann Kroha: Phys. Rev. B 107, 125146 (2023)
Quantum spin liquid in an RKKY-coupled two-impurity Kondo system (C4)
🔓 Krzysztof P. Wójcik and Johann Kroha: Phys. Rev. B 107, L121111 (2023)
Open system control of dynamical transitions under the generalized Kruskal-Neishtadt-Henrard theorem (A6)
🔓 Diego M. Fieguth and James R. Anglin: Phys. Rev. E 107, 034209 (2023)
Nonlinear transport in the presence of a local dissipation (B3)
🔓 A.-M. Visuri, T. Giamarchi, and C. Kollath: Phys. Rev. Research 5, 013195 (2023)Â
Quantum Rabi dynamics of trapped atoms far in the deep strong coupling regime (C5)
🔓 Johannes Koch, Geram Hunanyan, Till Ockenfels, Enrique Rico, Enrique Solano, Martin Weitz: Nat. Commun. 14, 954 (2023)
Sensitivity of a collisional single-atom spin probe (A4)
🔓 Jens Nettersheim, Quentin Bouton, Daniel Adam, Artur Widera: SciPost Phys. Core 6, 009 (2023)Â
Controlled quantized adiabatic transport in a superlattice Wannier-Stark ladder (C1)
🔓 R G Unanyan, N V Vitanov and M Fleischhauer: J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 56 044001 (2023)
Fluctuation-dissipation relation for a Bose-Einstein condensate of photons (B1)
🔓 Fahri Emre Öztürk, Frank Vewinger, Martin Weitz, Julian Schmitt: Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 033602 (2023)
Chiral edge dynamics of cold erbium atoms in the lowest Landau level of a synthetic quantum Hall system (C5)
🔓 Roberto Vittorio Roell, Arif Warsi Laskar, Franz Richard Huybrechts, Martin Weitz: Phys. Rev. A 107, 043302 (2023)
Controlling superfluid flows using dissipative impurities (B2, B3)
🔓 Martin Will, Jamir Marino, Herwig Ott, Michael Fleischhauer: SciPost Phys. 14, 064 (2023)
Floquet-heating-induced Bose condensation in a scar-like mode of an open driven optical-lattice system (A4)
🔓 Alexander Schnell, Ling-Na Wu, Artur Widera, André Eckardt: Phys. Rev. A 107, L021301 (2023)
Boundary logarithmic corrections to the dynamical correlation functions of one-dimensional spin-1/2 chains (A4)
🔓 Imke Schneider, Ipsita Mandal, Polina Matveeva, Dominik Strassel, and Sebastian Eggert: Phys. Rev. B 106, 155104 (2022)
Power of a Quasispin Quantum Otto Engine at Negative Effective Spin Temperature (A4)
🔓 Jens Nettersheim, Sabrina Burgardt, Quentin Bouton, Daniel Adam, Eric Lutz, and Artur Widera: PRX Quantum 3, 040334 (2022)
Majorana edge modes in a spinful-particle conserving model (B4)
🔓 Franco T. Lisandrini and Corinna Kollath: Phys. Rev. B 106, 245121 (2022)
Microscopic dynamics and an effective Landau-Zener transition in the quasiadiabatic preparation of spatially ordered states of Rydberg excitations (B2)
🔓 Andreas F. Tzortzakakis, David Petrosyan, Michael Fleischhauer, and Klaus Mølmer: Phys. Rev. A 106, 063302 (2022)
Experimental observation of a dissipative phase transition in a multi-mode many-body quantum system (B3)
🔓 J. Benary, C. Baals, E. Bernhart, J. Jiang, M. Röhrle, H. Ott: New J. Phys. 24 103034 (2022)
Hamiltonian active particles in an environment (A6)
🔓 Diego M. Fieguth, Timo Schlachter, Daniel S. Brady, James R. Anglin: Phys. Rev. E 106, 044201 (2022)
Spectroscopy of high pressure rubidium-noble gas mixtures (B1)
🔓Till Ockenfels, Paško Roje, Thilo vom Hövel, Frank Vewinger, Martin Weitz: Phys. Rev. A 106, 012815 (2022)
Achievements and perspectives of optical fiber Fabry-Perot cavities (A2)
🔓 H. Pfeifer, L. Ratschbacher, J. Gallego, C. Saavedra, A. Faßbender, A. von Haaren, W. Alt, S. Hofferberth, M. Köhl, S. Linden, D. Meschede: Appl. Phys. B 128, 29 (2022)
Chaos onset in large rings of Bose-Einstein condensates (B1)
🔓 Damian Wozniak, Johann Kroha, and Anna Posazhennikova: Phys. Rev. A 106, 033316 (2022)
Hybrid discrete-continuous truncated Wigner approximation for driven, dissipative spin systems (B2)
🔓 Christopher D. Mink, David Petrosyan, Michael Fleischhauer: Phys. Rev. Research 4, 043136 (2022)
Level statistics of the one-dimensional ionic Hubbard model (B3, B4)
🔓 Jeannette De Marco, Luisa Tolle, Catalin-Mihai Halati, Ameneh Sheikhan, Andreas M. Läuchli, and Corinna Kollath: Phys. Rev. Research 4, 033119 (2022)
Dynamical phase transition in an open quantum system (A4)
🔓 Ling-Na Wu, Jens Nettersheim, Julian Feß, Alexander Schnell, Sabrina Burgardt, Silvia Hiebel, Daniel Adam, André Eckardt, Artur Widera: arXiv:2208.05164 (2022)
Symmetry-protected transport through a lattice with a local particle loss (B3)
🔓 A.-M. Visuri, T. Giamarchi, C. Kollath: Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 056802 (2022)
Towards Learning Self-Organized Criticality of Rydberg Atoms using Graph Neural Networks (B2)
🔓 Simon Ohler, Daniel Brady, Winfried Lötzsch, Michael Fleischhauer, Johannes S. Otterbach: arXiv:2207.08927 (2022)
The two-particle irreducible effective action for classical stochastic processes (B1)
🔓 Tim Bode:  J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 55 265401 (2022)
Emergence of Isotropy and Dynamic Scaling in 2D Wave Turbulence in a Homogeneous Bose Gas (B1)
🔓 Maciej Gałka, Panagiotis Christodoulou, Martin Gazo, Andrey Karailiev, Nishant Dogra, Julian Schmitt, Zoran Hadzibabic: Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 190402 (2022)
Observation of the Wannier-Stark ladder in plasmonic waveguide arrays (C4)
🔓 Helene Wetter, Zlata Fedorova (Cherpakova), Stefan Linden: Opt. Lett. 47, 3091-3094 (2022)
Magneto-optical trapping of mercury at high phase-space density (A7)
🔓 Quentin Lavigne, Thorsten Groh, Simon Stellmer: Phys. Rev. A 105, 033106 (2022)
Real- and Fourier-space observation of the anomalous π-mode in Floquet engineered plasmonic waveguide arrays (C4)
🔓 Anna Sidorenko, Zlata Fedorova (Cherpakova), Johann Kroha, Stefan Linden: Phys. Rev. Research 4, 033184 (2022)
Geometric control of next-nearest-neighbor coupling in evanescently coupled dielectric waveguides (B6)
🔓 J. Schulz, C. Jörg, and G. von Freyman: Optics Express 6, 9869 (2022)
Compressibility and the Equation of State of an Optical Quantum Gas in a Box (B1, B6)
🔓 Erik Busley, Leon Espert Miranda, Andreas Redmann, Christian Kurtscheid, Kirankumar Karkihalli Umesh, Frank Vewinger, Martin Weitz, Julian Schmitt: Science 375, 1403–1406 (2022)
Ultracold Bose gases in disorder potentials with spatiotemporal dynamics (B5)
🔓 Benjamin Nagler, Martin Will, Silvia Hiebel, Sian Barbosa, Jennifer Koch, Michael Fleischhauer, Artur Widera: Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 233601 (2022)
Coherent and dephasing spectroscopy for single-impurity probing of an ultracold bath (A4)
🔓 Daniel Adam, Quentin Bouton, Jens Nettersheim, Sabrina Burgardt, Artur Widera: Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 120404 (2022)
Non-local correlation and entanglement of ultracold bosons in the two-dimensional Bose-Hubbard lattice at finite temperature (B1)
🔓 Ulli Pohl, Sayak Ray, Johann Kroha: Ann. Phys. (Berlin), 2100581 (2022)
Breaking strong symmetries in dissipative quantum systems: Bosonic atoms coupled to a cavity (B3)
🔓 Catalin-Mihai Halati, Ameneh Sheikhan, Corinna Kollath: Phys. Rev. Research 4, L012015 (2022)
Quantum spin liquids of Rydberg excitations in a honeycomb lattice induced by density-dependent Peierls phases (C6)
🔓 Simon Ohler, Maximilian Kiefer-Emmanouilidis, Michael Fleischhauer: Phys. Rev. Research 5, 013157 (2023)
Floquet-engineered pair and single particle filter in the Fermi Hubbard model (B4)
🔓 Friedrich Hübner, Christoph Dauer, Sebastian Eggert, Corinna Kollath, Ameneh Sheikhan: Phys. Rev. A 106, 043303 (2022)
Particle fluctuations and the failure of simple effective models for many-body localized phases (B2)
🔓 Maximilian Kiefer-Emmanouilidis, Razmik Unanyan, Michael Fleischhauer, Jesko Sirker: SciPost Phys. 12, 034 (2022)
Observation of Quadratic (Charge-2) Weyl Point Splitting in Near-Infrared Photonic Crystals (B6)
🔓 Christina Jörg, Sachin Vaidya, Jiho Noh, Alexander Cerjan, Shyam Augustine, Georg von Freymann, Mikael C. Rechtsman: Laser Photonics Rev. 2022, 16, 2100452 (2022)
Radio-frequency driving of an attractive Fermi gas in a one-dimensional optical lattice (B4)
🔓 Johannes Kombe, Michael Köhl, Corinna Kollath, Jean-Sebastien Bernier: Phys. Rev. A 105, 023330 (2022)
Photon BEC with Thermo-Optic Interaction at Dimensional Crossover (B6)
🔓 Enrico Stein, Axel Pelster: New J. Phys. 24 023032 (2022)
Self-generated quantum gauge fields in arrays of Rydberg atoms (C6)
🔓 Simon Ohler, Maximilian Kiefer-Emmanouilidis, Antoine Browaeys, Hans Peter Büchler, Michael Fleischhauer: New J. Phys. 24 023017 (2022)
Variational truncated Wigner approximation for weakly interacting Bose fields: Dynamics of coupled condensates (B2, B3, B6)
🔓 Christopher D. Mink, Axel Pelster, Jens Benary, Herwig Ott, Michael Fleischhauer: SciPost Phys. 12, 051 (2022)
Thermodynamics of Trapped Photon Gases at Dimensional Crossover from 2D to 1D (B6)
🔓 Enrico Stein and Axel Pelster: New Journal of Physics 24, 023013 (2022)
Secure distribution of a certified random quantum key using an entangled memory qubit (A2)
🔓 Pascal Kobel, Ralf A. Berner, Michael Koehl: arXiv:2111.14523 (2021)
Nonlocality-induced surface localization in Bose-Einstein condensates of light (B6)
🔓 Marcello Calvanese Strinati, Frank Vewinger, Claudio Conti: Phys. Rev. A 105, 043318 (2022)
Observing the loss and revival of long-range phase coherence through disorder quenches (B5)
🔓 Benjamin Nagler, Sian Barbosa, Jennifer Koch, Giuliano Orso und Artur Widera: PNAS Vol. 119 No. 1 (2021)
A quantum heat engine driven by atomic collisions (A4)
🔓 Quentin Bouton, Jens Nettersheim, Sabrina Burgardt, Daniel Adam, Eric Lutz & Artur Widera: Nature Communications volume 12, 2063 (2021)
Adaptive Numerical Solution of Kadanoff-Baym Equations (B1)
🔓 Francisco Meirinhos, Michael Kajan, Johann Kroha, Tim Bode: SciPost Phys. Core 5, 030 (2022)
Expansion dynamics in two-dimensional Bose-Hubbard lattices: Bose-Einstein condensate and thermal cloud (B1)
🔓 Mauricio Trujillo-Martinez, Anna Posazhennikova, and Johann Kroha: Phys. Rev. A 103, 033311 (2021)
Vacuum-ultraviolet absorption and emission spectroscopy of gaseous, liquid, and supercritical xenon (B1)
🔓 Christian Wahl, Marvin Hoffmann, Thilo vom Hoevel, Frank Vewinger, Martin Weitz: Phys. Rev. A 103, 022831 (2021)
Sapphire optical viewport for high pressure and temperature applications (B1)
🔓 T. Ockenfels, F. Vewinger, and M. Weitz: Review of Scientific Instruments 92, 065109 (2021)
Experimental realization of a 3D long-range random hopping model (B2)
🔓 Carsten Lippe, Tanita Klas, Jana Bender, Patrick Mischke, Thomas Niederprüm, and Herwig Ott: Nature Communications volume 12, 6976 (2021)
Quantized single-particle Thouless pump induced by topology transfer from a Chern insulator at finite temperature (C1)
🔓 Lukas Wawer, Razmik Unanyan, Michael Fleischhauer: arXiv:2110.12280 (2021)
Observation of bound states in the continuum embedded in symmetry bandgaps (B6)
🔓 Alexander Cerjan, Christina Jörg, Sachin Vaidya, Shyam Augustine, Wladimir A. Benalcazar, Chia Wei Hsu, Georg von Freymann, Mikael C. Rechtsman: Sci. Adv. 7, eabk1117 (2021)
Observing quantum-speed-limit crossover with matter wave interferometry (C2)
🔓 Gal Ness, Manolo R. Lam, Wolfgang Alt, Dieter Meschede, Yoav Sagi, Andrea Alberti: Sci. Adv.7, eabj9119 (2021)
Topological photonics in 3D micro-printed systems (B6)
🔓 Julian Schulz, Sachin Vaidya, and Christina Jörg: APL Photonics 6, 080901 (2021)
Atomic bright vector soliton as an active particle (A6)
🔓 Timo Eichmann and James R. Anglin: Phys. Rev. A 104, 043317 (2021)
Z2 topological invariants for mixed states of fermions in time-reversal invariant band structures (C6)
🔓 Lukas Wawer, Michael Fleischhauer: Phys. Rev. B 104, 214107 (2021)
Green's function approach to the Bose–Hubbard model with disorder (B5, B6)
🔓 R S Souza, Axel Pelster and F E A dos Santos: New J. Phys. 23 083007 (2021)
Mapping as a probe for heating suppression in periodically driven quantum many-body systems (A6, B6)
🔓 Etienne Wamba, Axel Pelster, James R. Anglin: arXiv:2108.07171 (2021)
Nonequilibrium Floquet Steady States of Time-Periodic Driven Luttinger Liquids (A4, A5)
🔓 Serena Fazzini, Piotr Chudzinski, Christoph Dauer, Imke Schneider, and Sebastian Eggert: Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 243401 (2021)
Decay and revival of a transient trapped Fermi condensate (B4)
🔓 Timothy Harrison, Martin Link, Alexandra Behrle, Kuiyi Gao, Andreas Kell, Johannes Kombe, Jean-Sébastien Bernier, Corinna Kollath, Michael Köhl: Phys. Rev. Research 3, 023205 (2021)
Dicke transition in open many-body systems determined by fluctuation effects (B3)
🔓 Alla V. Bezvershenko, Catalin-Mihai Halati, Ameneh Sheikhan, Corinna Kollath, Achim Rosch: Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 173606 (2021)
Chern number and Berry curvature for Gaussian mixed states of fermions (C1)
🔓 Lukas Wawer, Michael Fleischhauer: Phys. Rev. B 104, 094104 (2021)
Bosonic Continuum Theory of One-Dimensional Lattice Anyons (A5, B6)
🔓 Martin Bonkhoff, Kevin Jägering, Sebastian Eggert, Axel Pelster, Michael Thorwart and Thore Poske: Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 163201 (2021)
Unlimited growth of particle fluctuations in many-body localized phases (B2)
🔓 M. Kiefer-Emmanouilidis, R. Unanyan, M. Fleischhauer, J. Sirker: Annals of Physics Volume 435, Part 1, 168481 (2021)
Polaron interactions and bipolarons in one-dimensional Bose gases in the strong coupling regime (B2)
🔓 Martin Will, Gregory E. Astrakharchik, Michael Fleischhauer: Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 103401 (2021)
Observation of a non-Hermitian phase transition in an optical quantum gas (B1)
🔓 Fahri Emre Öztürk, Tim Lappe, Göran Hellmann, Julian Schmitt, Jan Klaers, Frank Vewinger, Johann Kroha & Martin Weitz: Science Vol. 372, 88-91 (2021)
Stability analysis and attractor dynamics of 3D dark solitons with localized dissipation (B3)
🔓 Christian Baals, Alexandre Gil Moreno, Jian Jiang, Jens Benary, and Herwig Ott: Phys. Rev. A 103, 043304 (2021)
Demonstration of Quantum Brachistochrones between Distant States of an Atom (A1E, C2E)
🔓 Manolo R. Lam, Natalie Peter, Thorsten Groh, Wolfgang Alt, Carsten Robens, Dieter Meschede, Antonio Negretti, Simone Montangero, Tommaso Calarco, and Andrea Alberti: Phys. Rev. X 11, 011035 (2021)
Non-equilibrium evolution of Bose-Einstein condensate deformation in temporally controlled weak disorder (B5, B6)
🔓 Milan Radonjic and Axel Pelster: SciPost Physics, 10, 008 (2021)
Quantized transport induced by topology transfer between coupled one-dimensional lattice systems (C1)
🔓 Lukas Wawer, Rui Li, and Michael Fleischhauer: Phys. Rev. A 104, 012209 (2021)
Symmetry classes of open fermionic quantum matter (C1)
🔓 Alexander Altland, Michael Fleischhauer, and Sebastian Diehl: Phys. Rev. X 11, 021037 (2021)
Dissipation engineered directional filter for quantum ratchets (A5, C4)
🔓 Zlata Fedorova, Christoph Dauer, Anna Sidorenko, Sebastian Eggert, Johann Kroha, and Stefan Linden: Phys. Rev. Research 3, 013260 (2021)
Deterministic spin-photon entanglement from a trapped ion in a fiber Fabry–Perot cavity (A2)
🔓 Pascal Kobel, Moritz Breyer, and Michael Köhl: npj Quantum Information, 7, 6 (2021)
Competing magnetic orders in a bilayer Hubbard model with ultracold atoms (B4)
🔓 Marcell Gall, Nicola Wurz, Jens Samland, Chun F Chan, and Michael Köhl: Nature 589, 40 (2021)
Slow delocalization of particles in many-body localized phases (B2)
🔓 Maximilian Kiefer-Emmanouilidis, Razmik Unanyan, Michael Fleischhauer, Jesko Sirker: Phys. Rev. B 103, 024203 (2021)
Nonequilibrium metastable state in a chain of interacting spinless fermions with localized loss (B3)
🔓 Stefan Wolff, Ameneh Sheikhan, Sebastian Diehl, and Corinna Kollath: Phys. Rev. B, 101, 075139 (2020)
Numerical evaluation of two-time correlation functions in open quantum systems with matrix product state methods: a comparison (B4)
🔓 Stefan Wolff, Ameneh Sheikhan, and Corinna Kollath: SciPost Physics Core, 3(2), 010 (2020)
Observation of a Charge-2 Photonic Weyl Point in the Infrared (B6)
🔓 Sachin Vaidya, Jiho Noh, Alexander Cerjan, Christina Jörg, Georg von Freymann, and Mikael C Rechtsman: Phys. Rev. Lett., 125, 253902 (2020)
Dynamically enhanced unconventional superconducting correlations in a Hubbard ladder (B4)
🔓 Ameneh Sheikhan and Corinna Kollath: Phys. Rev. B, 102, 035163 (2020)
Dissipative generation of pure steady states and a gambler's ruin problem (B4)
🔓 Vladislav Popkov, Simon Essink, Corinna Kollath, and Carlo Presilla: Phys. Rev. A, 102, 032205 (2020)
Cloud shape of a molecular Bose–Einstein condensate in a disordered trap: a case study of the dirty boson problem (B5, B6)
🔓 Benjamin Nagler, Milan Radonjić, Sian Barbosa, Jennifer Koch, Axel Pelster, and Artur Widera: New Journal of Physics, 22(3), 033021 (2020)
Realization of a Density-Dependent Peierls Phase in a Synthetic, Spin-Orbit Coupled Rydberg System (B2,C6)
🔓 Vincent Lienhard, Pascal Scholl, Sebastian Weber, Daniel Barredo, Sylvain de Léséleuc, Rukmani Bai, Nicolai Lang, Michael Fleischhauer, Hans P Büchler, Thierry Lahaye, and Antoine Browaeys: Phys. Rev. X, 10, 021031 (2020)
Realizing arbitrary trapping potentials for light via direct laser writing of mirror surface profiles (B1)
🔓 Christian Kurtscheid, David Dung, Andreas Redmann, Erik Busley, Jan Klaers, Frank Vewinger, Julian Schmitt, and Martin Weitz: EPL (Europhysics Letters), 130(5), 54001 (2020)
Bounds on the entanglement entropy by the number entropy in non-interacting fermionic systems (B2)
🔓 Maximilian Kiefer-Emmanouilidis, Razmik Unanyan, Jesko Sirker, and Michael Fleischhauer: SciPost Physics, 8(6), 083 (2020)
Evidence for Unbounded Growth of the Number Entropy in Many-Body Localized Phases (B2)
🔓 Maximilian Kiefer-Emmanouilidis, Razmik Unanyan, Michael Fleischhauer, and Jesko Sirker: Phys. Rev. Lett., 124, 243601 (2020)
Numerically Exact Treatment of Many-Body Self-Organization in a Cavity (B4)
🔓 Catalin-Mihai Halati, Ameneh Sheikhan, Helmut Ritsch, and Corinna Kollath: Phys. Rev. Lett., 125, 093604 (2020)
Theoretical methods to treat a single dissipative bosonic mode coupled globally to an interacting many-body system (B4)
🔓 Catalin-Mihai Halati, Ameneh Sheikhan, and Corinna Kollath: Phys. Rev. Research, 2, 043255 (2020)
Simulating a Mott Insulator Using Attractive Interaction (B4)
🔓 M. Gall, C.F. Shan, N. Wurz, and M. Köhl: Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 010403 (2020)
Ultracold quantum wires with localized losses: Many-body quantum Zeno effect (B3)
🔓 Heinrich Fröml, Christopher Muckel, Corinna Kollath, Alessio Chiocchetta, and Sebastian Diehl: Phys. Rev. B, 101, 144301 (2020)
Transition between dissipatively stabilized helical states (B3)
🔓 Simon Essink, Stefan Wolff, Gunter M Schütz, Corinna Kollath, and Vladislav Popkov: Phys. Rev. Research, 2, 022007 (2020)
Generalized laws of refraction and reflection at interfaces between different photonic artificial gauge fields (B6)
🔓 Moshe-Ishay Cohen, Christina Jörg, Yaakov Lumer, Yonatan Plotnik, Erik H Waller, Julian Schulz, Georg von Freymann, and Mordechai Segev: Light: Science & Applications, 9, 200 (2020)
Pair correlations in the attractive Hubbard model (B4)
🔓 C. F Chan, M. Gall, N. Wurz, and M. Köhl: Phys. Rev. Research, 2, 023210 (2020)
Melting of the critical behavior of a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid under dephasing (B4)
🔓 Jean-Sébastien Bernier, Ryan Tan, Chu Guo, Corinna Kollath, and Dario Poletti: Phys. Rev. B, 102, 115156 (2020)
Finite-Temperature Topological Invariant for Interacting Systems (C1)
🔓 Razmik Unanyan, Maximilian Kiefer-Emmanouilidis, and Michael Fleischhauer: Phys. Rev. Lett., 125, 215701 (2020)
Realization of a density-dependent Peierls phase in a synthetic, spin-orbit coupled Rydberg system (C1)
🔓 Vincent Lienhard, Pascal Scholl, Sebastian Weber, Daniel Barredo, Sylvain de Léséleuc, Rukmani Bai, Nicolai Lang, Michael Fleischhauer, Hans P Büchler, Thierry Lahaye, and Antoine Browaeys: Phys. Rev. X 10, 021031 (2020)
Artificial gauge field switching using orbital angular momentum modes in optical waveguides (C, B6)
🔓 Christina Jörg, Gerard Queraltó, Mark Kremer, Gerard PelegrÃ, Julian Schulz, Alexander Szameit, Georg von Freymann, Jordi Mompart, and Verònica Ahufinger: Light: Science & Applications, 9, 150 (2020)
Observation of topological transport quantization by dissipation in fast Thouless pumps (C4)
🔓 Zlata Fedorova, Haixin Qiu, Stefan Linden, and Johann Kroha: Nature Communications, 11, 3758 (2020)
Synthetic magnetic fields for cold erbium atoms (C1, C5)
🔓 Daniel Babik, Roberto Roell, David Helten, Michael Fleischhauer, and Martin Weitz: Phys. Rev. A, 101, 053603 (2020)
Ground-state cooling of a single atom inside a high-bandwidth cavity (A1)
🔓 E. Uruñuela, W. Alt, E. Keiler, D. Meschede, D. Pandey, H. Pfeifer, and T. Macha: Phys. Rev. A 101, 023415 (2020)
Interferometric near-field characterization of plasmonic slot waveguides in single- and poly-crystalline gold films (A3)
🔓 M. Prämassing, M. Liebtrau, H. J Schill, S. Irsen, and S. Linden: Optics Express Vol. 28, Issue 9, pp. 12998-13007 (2020)
Dipole oscillations of fermionic quantum gases along the BEC-BCS crossover in disordered potentials (A4, A5, B4, B5)
🔓 Benjamin Nagler, Kevin Jägering, Ameneh Sheikhan, Sian Barbosa, Jennifer Koch, Sebastian Eggert, Imke Schneider, and Artur Widera: Phys. Rev. A 101, 053633 (2020)
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics and optimal cooling of a dilute atomic gas (A4)
🔓 Daniel Mayer, Felix Schmidt, Steve Haupt, Quentin Bouton, Daniel Adam, Tobias Lausch, Eric Lutz, and Artur Widera: Phys. Rev. Research 2, 023245 (2020)
Nonadiabatic storage of short light pulses in an atom-cavity system (A1)
🔓 T. Macha, E. Uruñuela, W. Alt, M. Ammenwerth, D. Pandey, H. Pfeiffer, and D. Meschede: Phys. Rev. A 101, 053406 (2020)
Floquet-induced superfluidity with periodically modulated interactions of two-species hardcore bosons in a one-dimensional optical lattice (A5, B2, B6)
🔓 Tao Wang, Shijie Hu, Sebastian Eggert, Michael Fleischhauer, Axel Pelster, and Xue-Feng Zhang: Phys. Rev. Research, 2, 013275 (2020)
Decoherence of charge density waves in beam splitters for interacting quantum wires (A4, A6)
🔓 Andreas Schulz, Imke Schneider, and James Anglin: Phys. Rev. B, 101, 235136 (2020)
Prethermalization with negative specific heat (A6)
🔓 Sayak Ray, James R Anglin, and Amichay Vardi: Phys. Rev. E, 102, 052107 (2020)
Thermalization and Nonequilibrium Steady States in a Few-Atom System (A4)
🔓 Daniel Mayer and Artur Widera: Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, 75, 413 - 420 (2020)
Strong-coupling Bose polarons in one dimension: Condensate deformation and modified Bogoliubov phonons (B2)
🔓 J. Jager, R. Barnett, M. Will, and M. Fleischhauer: Phys. Rev. Research, 2, 033142 (2020)
Dynamical Variational Approach to Bose Polarons at Finite Temperatures (B2)
🔓 David Dzsotjan, Richard Schmidt, and Michael Fleischhauer: Phys. Rev. Lett., 124, 223401 (2020)
Probabilistic hysteresis from a quantum-phase-space perspective (A6)
🔓 Ralf Bürkle and James R Anglin: Phys. Rev. A, 102, 052212 (2020)
Single-Atom Quantum Probes for Ultracold Gases Boosted by Nonequilibrium Spin Dynamics (A4)
🔓 Quentin Bouton, Jens Nettersheim, Daniel Adam, Felix Schmidt, Daniel Mayer, Tobias Lausch, Eberhard Tiemann, and Artur Widera: Phys. Rev. X, 10, 011018 (2020)
Exact N-point-function mapping between pairs of experiments with Markovian open quantum systems (B6)
Etienne Wamba and Axel Pelster: Phys. Rev. A 102, 043320 (2020)
Terahertz conductivity of heavy-fermion systems from time-resolved spectroscopy (C4)
🔓 Chia-Jung Yang, Shovon Pal, Farzaneh Zamani, Kristin Kliemt, Cornelius Krellner, Oliver Stockert, Hilbert v. Löhneysen, Johann Kroha, and Manfred Fiebig: Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033296 (2020)
Evolution of two-time correlations in dissipative quantum spin systems: aging and hierarchical dynamics (B4)
🔓 Stefan Wolff, Jean-Sebastien Bernier, Dario Poletti, Ameneh Sheikhan, and Corinna Kollath: Phys. Rev. B, 100, 165144 (2019)
Collective modes of a photon Bose–Einstein condensate with thermo-optic interaction (B1)
🔓 Enrico Stein, Frank Vewinger, and Axel Pelster: New Journal of Physics, 21, 103044 (2019)
Cavity-induced superconducting and 4kF charge-density-wave states (B4)
🔓 Ameneh Sheikhan and Corinna Kollath: Phys. Rev. A, 99, 053611 (2019)
Fluctuation dynamics of an open photon Bose-Einstein condensate (B1)
🔓 Fahri E Ozturk, Tim Lappe, Göran Hellmann, Julian Schmitt, Jan Klaers, Frank Vewinger, Johann Kroha, and Martin Weitz: Phys. Rev. A, 100, 043803 (2019)
Improving mean-field theory for bosons in optical lattices via degenerate perturbation theory (B5)
🔓 M. Kübler, F. T Sant'Ana, F. EAd Santos, and A. Pelster: Phys. Rev. A, 99, 063603 (2019)
Thermally condensing photons into a coherently split state of light (B1)
🔓 Christian Kurtscheid, David Dung, Erik Busley, Frank Vewinger, Achim Rosch, and Martin Weitz: Science, 366, 894–897 (2019)
Finite-duration interaction quench in dilute attractively interacting Fermi gases: Emergence of preformed pairs (B4)
Johannes Kombe, Jean-Sébastien Bernier, Michael Köhl, and Corinna Kollath: Phys. Rev. A 100, 013604 (2019)
The Talbot effect in the presence of interactions (B3)
🔓 Philipp Hoellmer, Jean-Sebastien Bernier, Corinna Kollath, Christian Baals, Bodhaditya Santra, and Herwig Ott: Phys. Rev. A 100, 063613 (2019)
Cavity-induced spin-orbit coupling in an interacting boson wire (B4)
🔓 C.-M. Halati, A. Sheikhan, and C. Kollath: Phys. Rev. A 99, 033604 (2019)
Fluctuation-Induced Quantum Zeno Effect (B3)
🔓 Heinrich Fröml, Alessio Chiocchetta, Corinna Kollath, and Sebastian Diehl: Phys. Rev. Lett., 122, 040402 (2019)
Creating anomalous Floquet Chern insulators with magnetic quantum walks (C2)
🔓 Muhammad Sajid, János K. Asbóth, Dieter Meschede, Reinhard F. Werner, and Andrea Alberti: Phys. Rev. B 99, 214303 (2019)
Fermi Volume Evolution and Crystal-Field Excitations in Heavy-Fermion Compounds Probed by Time-Domain Terahertz Spectroscopy (C4)
🔓 S. Pal, C. Wetli, F. Zamani, O. Stockert, H. v Löhneysen, M. Fiebig, and J. Kroha: Phys. Rev. Lett., 122, 096401 (2019)
Absence of topology in Gaussian mixed states of bosons (C1)
🔓 Christopher D Mink, Michael Fleischhauer, and Razmik Unanyan: Phys. Rev. B, 100, 014305 (2019)
Limits of topological protection under local periodic driving (A5, B6, C1, C4)
🔓 Z. Fedorova (Cherpakova), C. Jörg, C. Dauer, F. Letscher, M. Fleischhauer, S. Eggert, S. Linden, and G. von Freyman: Light: Science & Applications, 8, 63 (2019)
Rotational cooling of molecules in a Bose-Einstein condensate (A, B2)
🔓 Martin Will, Tobias Lausch, and Michael Fleischhauer: Phys. Rev. A 99, 062707 (2019)
Ultraviolet Fabry-Perot cavity with stable finesse under ultrahigh vacuum conditions (A2)
🔓 J. Schmitz, H.M. Meyer, and M. Köhl: Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 063102 (2019)
Tailored Single-Atom Collisions at Ultralow Energies (A4)
🔓 Felix Schmidt, Daniel Mayer, Quentin Bouton, Daniel Adam, Tobias Lausch, Jens Nettersheim, Eberhard Tiemann, and Artur Widera: Phys. Rev. Lett., 122, 013401 (2019)
Periodically Driven Many-Body Systems: A Floquet Density Matrix Renormalization Group Study (A4, A5)
🔓 Shaon Sahoo, Imke Schneider, and Sebastian Eggert: arXiv:1906.00004 (2019)
Correlated photon-pair generation in a liquid-filled microcavity (A2)
🔓 F. Rönchen, T.F. Langenfeld, and M. Köhl: New J. Phys. 21, 123037 (2019)
Dirac Spin Liquid on the Spin-1/2 Triangular Heisenberg Antiferromagnet (A5)
🔓 Shijie Hu, W. Zhu, Sebastian Eggert, and Yin-Chen He: Phys. Rev. Lett. 1123, 207203 (2019)
Probabilistic Hysteresis in Integrable and Chaotic Isolated Hamiltonian Systems (A6)
🔓 Ralf Bürkle, Amichay Vardi, Doron Cohen, and James R Anglin: Phys. Rev. Lett., 123, 114101 (2019)
How to probe the microscopic onset of irreversibility with ultracold atoms (A6)
🔓 Ralf Bürkle, Amichay Vardi, Doron Cohen, and James R Anglin: Scientic Reports 9, 14169 (2019)
Threshold coupling strength for equilibration between small systems (A6)
🔓 R. Bürkle and J. R Anglin: Phys. Rev. A, 99, 063617 (2019)
Kramers Moyal coefficients for stochastic processes (B1)
🔓 Leonardo Rydin Gorjão and Francisco Meirinhos: Journal of Open Source Software, 4(44), 1693 (2019)
Coherent perfect absorber and laser for nonlinear waves in optical waveguide arrays (B3)
🔓 Dmitry A Zezyulin, Herwig Ott, and Vladimir V Konotop: Optics Letters 43, 5901--5904 (2018)
Coherent manipulation of spin correlations in the Hubbard model (B4)
🔓 N. Wurz, C.F. Chan, M. Gall, J.H. Drewes, E. Cocchi, L.A. Miller, D. Pertot, F. Brennecke, and M. Köhl: Phys. Rev. A 97, 051602(R) (2018)
Photoassociation of rotating ultra-long range Rydberg molecules (B2)
🔓 O. Thomas, C. Lippe, T. Eichert, and H. Ott: Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 51 155201 (2018)
Experimental realization of a Rydberg optical Feshbach resonance in a quantum many-body system (B2)
🔓 O. Thomas, C. Lippe, T. Eichert, and H. Ott: Nature Communications 9, 2238 (2018)
Fate of dynamical phase transitions at finite temperatures and in open systems (B2)
🔓 N. Sedlmayr, M. Fleischhauer, and J. Sirker: Phys. Rev. B 97, 045147 (2018)
Coherent perfect absorption of nonlinear matter waves (B3)
🔓 Andreas Müllers, Bodhaditya Santra, Christian Baals, Jian Jiang, Jens Benary, Ralf Labouvie, Dmitry A Zezyulin, Vladimir V Konotop, and Herwig Ott: Sci. Adv. 4, eaat6539 (2018)
Accessing finite-momentum excitations of the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model using superlattice-modulation spectroscopy (B3)
🔓 Karla Loida, Jean-Sébastien Bernier, Roberta Citro, Edmond Orignac, and Corinna Kollath: Phys. Rev. A, 98, 033605 (2018)
Fluctuation damping of isolated, oscillating Bose-Einstein condensates (B1)
🔓 Tim Lappe, Anna Posazhennikova, and Johann Kroha: Phys. Rev. A, 98, 023626 (2018)
A versatile apparatus for fermionic lithium quantum gases based on an interference-filter laser system (B5)
Benjamin Gänger, Jan Phieler, Benjamin Nagler, and Artur Widera: Review of Scientific Instruments 89, 093105 (2018)
Finite-temperature dynamical correlations for the dimerized spin -1/2 chain (B4)
🔓 E. Coira, P. Barmettler, T. Giamarchi, and C. Kollath: Phys. Rev. B, 98, 104435 (2018)
Light-Cone and Diffusive Propagation of Correlations in a Many-Body Dissipative System (B3)
🔓 J.-S. Bernier, R. Tan, L. Bonnes, C. Guo, D. Poletti, and C. Kollath: Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 020401 (2018)
Higgs mode in a strongly interacting fermionic superfluid (B4)
🔓 A. Behrle, T. Harrison, J. Kombe, K. Gao, M. Link, J.-S. Bernier, C. Kollath, and M. Köhl: Nature Physics 14, 781-785 (2018)
Nonlinear standing waves in an array of coherently coupled Bose-Einstein condensates (B3)
🔓 Christian Baals, Herwig Ott, Joachim Brand, and Antonio M Mateo: Phys. Rev. A, 98, 053603 (2018)
Fast, High-Precision Optical Polarization Synthesizer for Ultracold-Atom Experiments (C2)
🔓 Carsten Robens, Stefan Brakhane, Wolfgang Alt, Dieter Meschede, Jonathan Zopes, and Andrea Alberti: Phys. Rev. Applied 9, 034016 (2018)
Time-resolved collapse and revival of the Kondo state near a quantum phase transition (C4)
🔓 C. Wetli, S. Pal, J. Kroha, K. Kliemt, C. Krellner, O. Stockert, H. v. Löhneysen, and M. Fiebig: Nature Physics volume 14, 1103–1107 (2018)
Probing the Topology of Density Matrices (C1)
🔓 Charles-Edouard Bardyn, Lukas Wawer, Alexander Altland, Michael Fleischhauer, and Sebastian Diehl: Phys. Rev. X, 8, 011035 (2018)
Continuous Easy-Plane Deconfined Phase Transition on the Kagome Lattice (A5)
🔓 Xue-Feng Zhang, Yin-Chen He, Sebastian Eggert, Roderich Moessner, and Frank Pollmann: Phys. Rev. Lett., 120, 115702 (2018)
High-order symbolic strong-coupling expansion for the Bose-Hubbard model (A5)
🔓 Tao Wang, Xue-Feng Zhang, Chun-Feng Hou, Sebastian Eggert, and Axel Pelster: Phys. Rev. B, 98, 245107 (2018)
Quantum Spin Dynamics of Individual Neutral Impurities Coupled to a Bose-Einstein Condensate (A4)
🔓 Felix Schmidt, Daniel Mayer, Quentin Bouton, Daniel Adam, Tobias Lausch, Nicolas Spethmann, and Artur Widera: Phys. Rev. Lett., 121, 130403 (2018)
Fluorescence enhancement by a dark plasmon mode (A3)
🔓 Manuel Peter, Julia FM Werra, Cody Friesen, Doreen Achnitz, Kurt Busch, and Stefan Linden: Applied Physics B, 124, 83 (2018)
Controlled doping of a bosonic quantum gas with single neutral atoms (A4)
🔓 Daniel Mayer, Felix Schmidt, Daniel Adam, Steve Haupt, Jennifer Koch, Tobias Lausch, Jens Nettersheim, Quentin Bouton, and Artur Wider: Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 52 015301 (2018)
Ground-state phase diagram of the frustrated spin-1/2 two-leg honeycomb ladder (A5)
🔓 Qiang Luo, Shijie Hu, Jize Zhao, Alexandros Metavitsiadis, Sebastian Eggert, and Xiaoqun Wang: Phys. Rev. B, 97, 214433 (2018)
Correlated-photon-pair emission from a cw-pumped Fabry-Perot microcavity (A2)
🔓 Thorsten F Langerfeld, Hendrik M Meyer, and Michael Köhl: Phys. Rev. A, 97, 023822 (2018)
Strong Purcell effect on a neutral atom trapped in an open fiber cavity (A1)
🔓 J. Gallego, W. Alt, M. Martinez-Dorantes, D. Pandey, and D. Meschede: Phys. Rev. Lett., 121, 173603 (2018)
Quasi-steady radiation of sound from turbulent sonic ergoregions (A6)
🔓 R Bürkle, A Gaidoukov, and J R Anglin: New Journal of Physics 20 083020 (2018)
Dynamic structure factor in impurity-doped spin chains (A4, A5)
🔓 Annabelle Bohrdt, Kevin Jägering, Sebastian Eggert, and Imke Schneider: Phys. Rev. B, 98, 020402 (2018)
Measuring finite-range phase coherence in an optical lattice using Talbot interferometry (B3)
🔓 Bodhaditya Santra, Christian Baals, Ralf Labouvie, Aranya B Bhattacherjee, Axel Pelster, and Herwig Ott: Nature communications, 8, 15601 (2017)
Thermalization of isolated Bose-Einstein condensates by dynamical heat bath generation (B1)
🔓 A. Posazhennikova, M. Trujillo-Martinez, and J. Kroha: Annalen der Physik, 530, 1700124 (2017)
Probing the Bond Order Wave Phase Transitions of the Ionic Hubbard Model by Superlattice Modulation Spectroscopy (B3)
🔓 Karla Loida, Jean-Sébastien Bernier, Roberta Citro, Edmond Orignac, and Corinna Kollath: Phys. Rev. Lett., 119, 230403 (2017)
Anomalous excitation facilitation in inhomogeneously broadened Rydberg gases (B2)
🔓 F. Letscher, O. Thomas, T. Niederprüm, H. Ott, and M. Fleischhauer: Phys. Rev. A, 95, 023410 (2017)
Bistability Versus Metastability in Driven Dissipative Rydberg Gases (B2)
🔓 F. Letscher, O. Thomas, T. Niederprum, M. Fleischhauer, and H. Ott: Phys. Rev. X, 7, 021020 (2017)
Many-body dynamics of holes in a driven, dissipative spin chain of Rydberg superatoms (B2)
🔓 Fabian Letscher, David Petrosyan, and Michael Fleischhauer: New Journal of Physics 19 113014 (2017)
Current reversals and metastable states in the infinite Bose-Hubbard chain with local particle loss (B2, C1)
🔓 M. Kiefer-Emmanouilidis and J. Sirker: Phys. Rev. A 96, 063625 (2017)
Cavity-induced artificial gauge field in a Bose-Hubbard ladder (B4)
🔓 C.-M. Halati, A. Sheikhan, and C. Kollath: Phys. Rev. A 96, 063621 (2017)
Variable Potentials for Thermalized Light and Coupled Condensates (B1)
🔓 David Dung, Christian Kurtscheid, Tobias Damm, Julian Schmitt, Frank Vewinger, Martin Weitz, and Jan Klaers: Nat. Photonics 11, 565569 (2017)
Antiferromagnetic Correlations in Two-Dimensional Fermionic Mott-Insulating and Metallic Phases (B4)
🔓 J.H. Drewes, L.A. Miller, E. Cocchi, C.F. Chan, N. Wurz, M. Gall, D. Pertot, F. Brennecke, and M. Köhl: Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 170401 (2017)
First-order spatial coherence measurements in a thermalized two-dimensional photonic quantum gas (B1)
🔓 Tobias Damm, David Dung, Frank Vewinger, Martin Weitz, and Julian Schmitt: Nature Communications, 8, 158 (2017)
Measuring Entropy and Short-Range Correlations in the Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model (B4)
🔓 E. Cocchi, L.A. Miller, J.H. Drewes, C.F. Chan, D. Pertot, F. Brennecke, and M. Köhl: Phys. Rev. X 7, 031025 (2017)
Thermo-optical interactions in a dye-microcavity photon Bose-Einstein condensate (B1)
🔓 Hadiseh Alaeian, Mira Schedensack, Clara Bartels, Daniel Peterseim, and Martin Weitz: New Journal of Physics 19 115009 (2017)
Bose-Einstein condensation of erbium atoms in a quasielectrostatic optical dipole trap (C5)
🔓 Jens Ulitzsch, Daniel Babik, Roberto Roell, and Martin Weitz: Phys. Rev. A, 95, 043614 (2017)
Revealing Quantum Statistics with a Pair of Distant Atoms (C2)
🔓 C. F Roos, A. Alberti, D. Meschede, P. Hauke, and H. Häffner: Phys. Rev. Lett., 119, 160401 (2017)
Low-Entropy States of Neutral Atoms in Polarization-Synthesized Optical Lattices (C2)
🔓 Carsten Robens, Jonathan Zopes, Wolfgang Alt, Stefan Brakhane, Dieter Meschede, and Andrea Alberti: Phys. Rev. Lett., 118, 065302 (2017)
Detecting topological invariants in chiral symmetric insulators via losses (C2)
🔓 Tibor Rakovszky, Janos K Asboth, and Andrea Alberti: Phys. Rev. B, 95, 201407 (2017)
Kondo Destruction in RKKY-Coupled Kondo Lattice and Multi-Impurity Systems (C4)
🔓 Ammar Nejati, Katinka Ballmann, and Johann Kroha: Phys. Rev. Lett., 118, 117204 (2017)
Oscillation and suppression of Kondo temperature by RKKY coupling in two-site Kondo systems (C4)
🔓 Ammar Nejati and Johann Kroha: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 807(8), 082004 (2017)
Finite-size corrections to quantized particle transport in topological charge pumps (C1)
🔓 Rui Li and Michael Fleischhauer: Phys. Rev. B, 96, 085444 (2017)
Dynamic defects in photonic Floquet topological insulators (B6, C1)
🔓 Christina Jörg, Fabian Letscher, Michael Fleischhauer, and Georg v Freymann: New Journal of Physics, 19 083003 (2017)
Transverse Anderson localization of surface plasmon polaritons (C4)
🔓 Z. Cherpakova, F. Bleckmann, T. Vogler, and S. Linden: Opt. Lett. 42, 2165-2168 (2017)
Spectral imaging of topological edge states in plasmonic waveguide arrays (C2, C4)
🔓 Felix Bleckmann, Zlata Cherpakova, Stefan Linden, and Andrea Alberti: Phys. Rev. B, 96, 045417 (2017)
Spectral Flow and Global Topology of the Hofstadter Butterfly (C2)
🔓 Janos K Asboth and Andrea Alberti : Phys. Rev. Lett., 118, 216801 (2017)
Quantum walk of a Bose-Einstein condensate in the Brillouin zone (C2)
🔓 Andrea Alberti and Sandro Wimberger: Phys. Rev. A, 96, 023620 (2017)
Perfect Spin Filter by Periodic Drive of a Ferromagnetic Quantum Barrier (A5)
🔓 Daniel Thuberg, Enrique Munoz, Sebastian Eggert, and Sebastián A Reyes: Phys. Rev. Lett., 119, 267701 (2017)
Transport through an AC-driven impurity: Fano interference and bound states in the continuum (A5)
🔓 Sebastián Reyes, Daniel Thuberg, Daniel Pérez, Christoph Dauer, and Sebastian Eggert: New Journal of Physics 19 043029 (2017)
Directional Emission from Dielectric Leaky-Wave Nanoantennas (A3)
🔓 M. Peter, A. Hildebrandt, C. Schlickriede, K. Gharib, T. Zentgraf, J. Förstner, and S. Linden: Nano Letters 17, 7, 4178 (2017)
Competing phases in spin ladders with ring exchange and frustration (A5)
🔓 Alexandros Metavitsiadis and Sebastian Eggert: Phys. Rev. B, 95, 144415 (2017)
Shot noise in Weyl semimetals (A5)
🔓 P. G Matveeva, D. N Aristov, D. Meidan, and D. B Gutman: Phys. Rev. B, 96, 165406 (2017)
Individual Tracer Atoms in an Ultracold Dilute Gas (A4)
🔓 M. Hohmann, F. Kindermann, T. Lausch, D. Mayer, F. Schmidt, E. Lutz, and A. Widera: Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 263401 (2017)
Cavity-induced backaction in Purcell-enhanced photon emission of a single ion in an ultraviolet fiber cavity (A2)
🔓 T. G Ballance, H. M Meyer, P. Kobel, K. Ott, J. Reichel, and M. Köhl: Phys. Rev. A, 95, 033812 (2017)
Absorption spectroscopy of xenon and ethylene-noble gas mixtures at high pressure: towards Bose-Einstein condensation of vacuum ultraviolet photons (B1)
🔓 C. Wahl, R. Brausemann, J. Schmitt, F. Vewinger, S. Christopoulos, and M. Weitz: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 122, 296 (2016)
Cavity-induced generation of nontrivial topological states in a two-dimensional Fermi gas (B4)
🔓 A. Sheikhan, F. Brennecke, and C. Kollath: Phys. Rev. A 94, 061603 (R) (2016)
Real-space imaging of a topological protected edge state with utracold atoms in an amplitude-chirped optical lattice (C5)
🔓 M. Leder, C. Grossert, L. Sitta, M. Genske, A. Rosch, and M. Weitz: Nature Commun. 7, 13112 (2016)
Thermoelectric transport and Peltier cooling of cold atomic gases (B3)
🔓 C. Grenier, C. Kollath, and A. Georges: Comptes Rendus Physique, 17, 1161-1174 (2016)
Thermodynamics versus Local Density Fluctuations in the Metal-Mott-Insulator Crossover (B4)
🔓 J.H. Drewes, E. Cocchi, L.A. Miller, C.F. Chan, D. Pertot, F. Brennecke, and M. Köhl: Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 135301 (2016)
Equation State of the Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model (B4)
🔓 E. Cocchi, L.A. Miller, J. Drewes, M. Koschorreck, D. Pertot, F. Brennecke, and M. Köhl: Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 175301 (2016)
Reservoir-induced Thouless pumping and symmetry-protected topological order in open quantum chains (C1)
🔓 D. Linzner, L. Wawer, F. Grusdt, and M. Fleischhauer: Phys. Rev. B, 94, 201105 (2016)
Robustness of topologically protected edge states in quantum walk experiments with neutral atoms (C2)
🔓 Thorsten Groh, Stefan Brakhane, Wolfgang Alt, Dieter Meschede, Janos K Asboth, and Andrea Alberti: Phys. Rev. A, 94, 013620 (2016)
Quantum Domain Walls Induce Incommensurate Supersolid Phase on the Anisotropic Triangular Lattice (A5)
🔓 Xue-Feng Zhang, Shijie Hu, Axel Pelster, and Sebastian Eggert: Phys. Rev. Lett., 117, 193201 (2016)
Conductance in inhomogeneous quantum wires: Luttinger liquid predictions and quantum Monte Carlo results (A5)
🔓 D. Morath, N. Sedlmayr, J. Sirker, and S. Eggert: Phys. Rev. B, 94, 115162 (2016)