If you are interested in contacting our alumni, please send an email to:

Dr. Jean-Sebastien BernierAssistant Professor, PhD & MSc (University of Toronto), BEng (Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal), Kanada

Dr. Tim BodePostdoctoral Researcher, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt

Dr. Martin BonkhoffPostdoc, University of Hamburg

Dr. Ralf BürklePhysiker für Systemdesign und Simulation optischer Systeme
Dr. Benjamin GängerStudy Manager, Department of Physics, TU Kaiserslautern

Dr. Marcell GallSystems Engineer, OHB System AG, Oberpfaffenhofen

Dr. José GallegoEngineer at Neuralink

Dr. Christina JörgPostdoc, Pennsylvania State University
Dr. Johannes KombePostdoc, University of Strathclyde

Dr. Fabian LetscherSystem Engineer Carl-Zeiss SMT GmbH

Dr. Tobias LauschtrinamiX GmbH

Dr. Dominik LinznerMachine Learning Engineer

Dr. Tobias MachaDevelopment Engineer Robert Bosch GmbH, Reutlingen

Dipl.-Phys. Polina MateevaPhD student, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel

Dr. Matthias MoosSoftware developer, andrena objects ag, Karlsruhe

Dr. Benjamin NaglerEntwicklungsingenieur, trinamiX GmbH

Dr. Manuel PeterPolicy Officer for the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information

Dr. Lothar RatschbacherSenior Scientist Silicon Austria Labs GmbH

Dr. Carsten RobensResearch Fellow, Center for Ultracold Atoms, MIT, USA

Dr. Muhammad SajidAssistant Professor Kohat University of Science and Technology Pakistan

Dr. Oliver ThomasSystem Developer, Linux for Embedded Systems

Dr. Christian Wahl PostDoc, U Bonn

Dr. Stefan WolffMachine Learning Engineer, WetterOnline, Bonn