International School
Tutzing, April 1-4, 2025
The Collaborative Research Center Open System Control of Atomic and Photonic Matter (OSCAR) explores the physics of open quantum many-body systems across different experimental platforms. Apart from basic research in this field the integrated young reseacher training program i-OSCAR guarantees education of the highest quality standards for the involved doctoral students and early postdocs. As a particular educational measure our SFB organizes an International School on Open Quantum Many-Body Systems, which takes place in the Evangelische Akademie in Tutzing (Germany), in the period April 1-4, 2025. The lectures focus on three research areas, which are of central importance of OSCAR and will be discussed from both the experimental and the theoretical point of view:
1) Rydberg Systems:
a) Shannon Whitlock (Straßbourg, France):
Fundamentals of ultracold Rydberg atoms
Quantum computing with atoms and light
b) Hans-Peter Büchler (Stuttgart, Germany):
Rydberg atoms in optical tweezers for quantum simulation and quantum computation
2) Quantum Fluids of Light:
a) Maciej Pieczarka (Wroclaw, Poland):
Optical potentials for exciton-polariton condensates
Thermalization and Bose-Einstein condensation of photons
in semiconductor laser cavities
b) Jean-Jacques Greffet (Paris, France):
Controlling spontaneous emission with cavities, nanoantennas and collective effects
3) Quantum Droplets:
a) Sebastian Will (New York, USA):
Creating a Bose-Einstein condensate of dipolar molecules and Exploring novel quantum phases with strongly dipolar molecules
b) Antun Balaz (Belgrade, Serbia):
Theory of quantum droplets in ultracold atomic and molecular gases
Additionally, we will have an Evening Lecture on the hot topic of Quantum Turbulence:
Vanderlei Bagnato (São Carlos, Brazil):
The School begins on April 1, 2025 at 14:00 CEST and ends on April 4, 2025 at 14:00 CEST.
School fee for board and lodging: 300,00 EUR (Payable after registration)
Payment information: Members of RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau do not have to pay the School fee. Their payment will be taken care of internally.
Registration link (Deadline for registration: 31.01.2025)
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