🔓 indicates open access option
Observation of a topological edge state stabilized by dissipation (B1, C1, C4)
🔓 Helene Wetter, Michael Fleischhauer, Stefan Linden, Julian Schmitt: Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 083801 (2023)Â
Controlled quantized adiabatic transport in a superlattice Wannier-Stark ladder (C1)
🔓 R G Unanyan, N V Vitanov and M Fleischhauer: J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 56 044001 (2023)
Quantized single-particle Thouless pump induced by topology transfer from a Chern insulator at finite temperature (C1)
🔓 Lukas Wawer, Razmik Unanyan, Michael Fleischhauer: arXiv:2110.12280 (2021)
Chern number and Berry curvature for Gaussian mixed states of fermions (C1)
🔓 Lukas Wawer, Michael Fleischhauer: Phys. Rev. B 104, 094104 (2021)
Quantized transport induced by topology transfer between coupled one-dimensional lattice systems (C1)
🔓 Lukas Wawer, Rui Li, and Michael Fleischhauer: Phys. Rev. A 104, 012209 (2021)
Symmetry classes of open fermionic quantum matter (C1)
🔓 Alexander Altland, Michael Fleischhauer, and Sebastian Diehl: Phys. Rev. X 11, 021037 (2021)
Finite-Temperature Topological Invariant for Interacting Systems (C1)
🔓 Razmik Unanyan, Maximilian Kiefer-Emmanouilidis, and Michael Fleischhauer: Phys. Rev. Lett., 125, 215701 (2020)
Realization of a density-dependent Peierls phase in a synthetic, spin-orbit coupled Rydberg system (C1)
🔓 Vincent Lienhard, Pascal Scholl, Sebastian Weber, Daniel Barredo, Sylvain de Léséleuc, Rukmani Bai, Nicolai Lang, Michael Fleischhauer, Hans P Büchler, Thierry Lahaye, and Antoine Browaeys: Phys. Rev. X 10, 021031 (2020)
Synthetic magnetic fields for cold erbium atoms (C1, C5)
🔓 Daniel Babik, Roberto Roell, David Helten, Michael Fleischhauer, and Martin Weitz: Phys. Rev. A, 101, 053603 (2020)
Absence of topology in Gaussian mixed states of bosons (C1)
🔓 Christopher D Mink, Michael Fleischhauer, and Razmik Unanyan: Phys. Rev. B, 100, 014305 (2019)
Limits of topological protection under local periodic driving (A5, B6, C1, C4)
🔓 Z. Fedorova (Cherpakova), C. Jörg, C. Dauer, F. Letscher, M. Fleischhauer, S. Eggert, S. Linden, and G. von Freyman: Light: Science & Applications, 8, 63 (2019)
Probing the Topology of Density Matrices (C1)
🔓 Charles-Edouard Bardyn, Lukas Wawer, Alexander Altland, Michael Fleischhauer, and Sebastian Diehl: Phys. Rev. X, 8, 011035 (2018)
Current reversals and metastable states in the infinite Bose-Hubbard chain with local particle loss (B2, C1)
🔓 M. Kiefer-Emmanouilidis and J. Sirker: Phys. Rev. A 96, 063625 (2017)
Finite-size corrections to quantized particle transport in topological charge pumps (C1)
🔓 Rui Li and Michael Fleischhauer: Phys. Rev. B, 96, 085444 (2017)
Dynamic defects in photonic Floquet topological insulators (B6, C1)
🔓 Christina Jörg, Fabian Letscher, Michael Fleischhauer, and Georg v Freymann: New Journal of Physics, 19 083003 (2017)
Reservoir-induced Thouless pumping and symmetry-protected topological order in open quantum chains (C1)
🔓 D. Linzner, L. Wawer, F. Grusdt, and M. Fleischhauer: Phys. Rev. B, 94, 201105 (2016)