- A quantum engine in the BEC–BCS crossover (B5)
- A versatile apparatus for fermionic lithium quantum gases based on an interference-filter laser system (B5)
- Characterizing localization effects in an ultracold disordered Fermi gas by diffusion analysis (B5)
- Characterizing quantum gases in time-controlled disorder realizations using cross-correlations of density distributions (B5)
- Cloud shape of a molecular Bose–Einstein condensate in a disordered trap: a case study of the dirty boson problem (B5, B6)
- Dipole oscillations of fermionic quantum gases along the BEC-BCS crossover in disordered potentials (A4, A5, B4, B5)
- Emergence of damped-localized excitations of the Mott state due to disorder (B5, B6)
- Fermi accelerating an Anderson-localized Fermi gas to superdiffusion (B5)
- Green's function approach to the Bose–Hubbard model with disorder (B5, B6)
- Improving mean-field theory for bosons in optical lattices via degenerate perturbation theory (B5)
- Non-equilibrium evolution of Bose-Einstein condensate deformation in temporally controlled weak disorder (B5, B6)
- Observing the loss and revival of long-range phase coherence through disorder quenches (B5)
- Stability and sensitivity of interacting fermionic superfluids to quenched disorder (B5)
- Ultracold Bose gases in disorder potentials with spatiotemporal dynamics (B5)
- Unravelling Interaction and Temperature Contributions in Unpolarized Trapped Fermionic Atoms in the BCS Regime (B5, B6)