Perfect Spin Filter by Periodic Drive of a Ferromagnetic Quantum Barrier (A5)

Daniel Thuberg, Enrique Munoz, Sebastian Eggert, and Sebastián A Reyes:

Phys. Rev. Lett., 119, 267701 (2017)

🔓 arXiv:1708.00004 (2017)

We consider the problem of particle tunneling through a periodically driven ferromagnetic quantum barrier connected to two leads. The barrier is modeled by an impurity site representing a ferromagnetic layer or a quantum dot in a tight-binding Hamiltonian with a local magnetic field and an ac-driven potential, which is solved using the Floquet formalism. The repulsive interactions in the quantum barrier are also taken into account. Our results show that the time-periodic potential causes sharp resonances of perfect transmission and reflection, which can be tuned by the frequency, the driving strength, and the magnetic field. We demonstrate that a device based on this configuration could act as a highly tunable spin valve for spintronic applications.