Johannes Kombe, Michael Köhl, Corinna Kollath, Jean-Sebastien Bernier:
Phys. Rev. A 105, 023330 (2022)
🔓 arXiv:2109.00651 (2021)
We investigate the response to radio-frequency driving of an ultracold gas of attractively interacting fermions in a one-dimensional optical lattice. We study the system dynamincs by monitoring the driving-induced population transfer to a third-state, and the evolution of the momentum density and pair distributions. Depending on the frequency of the radio-frequency field, two different dynamical regimes emerge when considering the evolution of the third level population. One regime exhibits (off)resonant many-body oscillations reminiscent of Rabi oscillations in a discrete two-level system, while the other displays a strong linear rise. Within this second regime, we connect, via linear response theory, the extracted transfer rate to the system single-particle spectral function, an infer the nature of the excitations from Bethe ansatz calculations. In addition, we show that this radio-frequency technique can be employed to gain insights into this many-body system coupling mechanism away from equilibrium. This is done by monitoring the momentum density redistributions and the evolution of the pair correlations during the drive. Capturing such non-equilibrium physics goes beyond a linear response treatment, and is achieved here by conducting time-dependent matrix product state simulations.