The R&D services of the European Magnetometry Network are performed through the MagNet consortium funded by EIT KIC Raw Materials. It gathers 16 original partners (7 universities, 5 research institutions, 2 R&D institutions, 2 companies) from 8 European countries, and covers a large spectrum of expertise including physics, chemistry, material sciences, geology, steel industry, and nanotechnologies.
The consortium can provide a wide range of services (measurement service, R&D collaboration, training or advicing, metrology development) to any European SMEs and industries.
If you contact us, after defining the problematics and potential solutions, we will select the closest and/or the most relevant magnetometry center to perform the proposed measurements or R&D program.
Contact us.
UB (Bordeaux)
CEA Spintec (Grenoble)
IN (Grenoble)
ArcelorMittal (Maizières-lès-Metz)
IJL (Nancy)
EMFL (Nijmegen)
Fraunhofer ISC (Hanau)
TUD (Darmstadt)
NICPB (Tallinn)
ICMAB-CSIC (Barcelona)
UPVB (Bilbao)
IMN (Gliwice)
MagNet is funded by EIT Raw Materials.