Become a member
Contact us if you would like to join the network as a member.
Members would be able to access the network's forums for the purpose of sharing technical expertise about magnetometry techniques.
In addition, you may also request your institution to be listed as a magnetometry center on the network.
R&D Services
We share world class expertise and tools in magnetic measurement (magnetometry) to support R&D and innovation in Europe.
Check our service catalogue and contact us.
The European Magnetometry Network
Magnetometry, i.e. measurement of magnetic field and materials magnetic features, is a versatile, non-destructive and non-local way to characterize a wide range of raw and functionalised materials, as well as processes.
The European Magnetometry Network, aims to build a European community in the field of magnetometry in order to :
- Intensify scientific and technical exchanges between magnetometry users
- Maintain, improve and disseminate knowledge, know-how and good practices
- Ensure a good technological watch and coordinate new technical developments
- Favour the accessibility of magnetometry platforms to academic and R&D researcher
- Teach and train young scientists and engineers in the field of magnetometry
- Popularize magnetometry in the whole scientific community and the general public
- promote R&D collaborations with industrial partners
The present website shows the various activities, scientific and technical publications, training sessions, conferences, job offers, and R&D services of our magnetometry community. It also presents the diverse magnetometry measurement techniques, as well as some usage examples. In addition, network members can access to technical information shared by other members, and to forums dedicated to the various aspects of magnetometry. Here, members share technical problems and questions, new discoveries, or good practices.
Currently the European MagNetometry network gathers researchers, engineers and university staffs from about 40 academic and private institutions in 12 European countries, and covers a large spectrum of expertise including physics, chemistry, material sciences, geology, biology, nanotechnologies.
The R&D services of the European Magnetometry Network are currently performed through the MagNet consortium funded by EIT KIC Raw Materials. EIT Raw Materials is a European Union initiative. It has the ambitious vision of turning the challenge of raw materials dependence into a strategic strength for Europe. Its mission is to boost the competitiveness, growth and attractiveness of the European raw materials sector via radical innovation and entrepreneurship.
Finally, the European MagNetometry network (Mag-Net) cooperate with the European Magnetism Association (EMA) in order to strengthen their visibility and impact. EMA aims to promote the development of magnetism and magnetic materials in Europe, through rising the visibility and the impact of research on fundamental and applied magnetism. EMA acts as an umbrella organization for activities in magnetism in Europe, giving magnetism a strong voice in the concert of physical sciences. Mag-Net is considered by EMA as the European gateway to magnetometry, and all matters pertaining to magnetometry are assigned to Mag-Net.
List of Magnetometry Centers in Europe