European Magnetomety Network membership is open to any worker (engineers, technician, researcher, students) using or exploiting magnetometers or magnetic fields, affiliated with a public research organization, a public institutions and companies, and who is willing to freely share experience, knowledge and kow-how with others, and who wants to improve his/her own magnetometry practice.
Members are granted access to the website technical database and to the web-forums dedicated to the specific aspects of magnetometry. They are welcome to propose and/or participate to all the Mag-Net activities.
Currently the European MagNetometry network gathers researchers, engineers and university staffs from about 40 academic and private institutions in Europe 9 European countries, and covers a large spectrum of expertise including physics, chemistry, material sciences, geology, biology, nanotechnologies.
Contact us to inquire about the possibility to join the network.
If you are already a member, you may log in and access our members facilities.