Researchers from University of Warwick, in collaboration with english and korean colleagues, developped an open-source program for performing flexible and robust background subtraction and dipole fitting on magnetization data measured by SQUID magnetometer. For magnetic samples with small moment sizes or sample environments with large or asymmetric magnetic backgrounds, it can become necessary to separate background and sample contributions to each measured raw voltage measurement before fitting the dipole signal to extract magnetic moments. SquidLab is a modular object-oriented platform implemented in Matlab with a range of importers for different widely-available magnetometer systems (including MPMS, MPMS-XL, MPMS-IQuantum, MPMS3 and S700X models), and has been tested with a broad variety of background and signal types. SquidLab can be downloaded, under Academic License, from the University of Warwick depository (
SquidLab : a user-friendly program for background subtraction and fitting of magnetization data
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