Department of Physics

Fundamentals and Applications of X-Rays in Science and Technology, WS 2023/24


Prof. Dr. Benjamin Stadtmüller


Tel.: 0631-205-2344

Raum 46-461


Dates for winter term 2023/24:

Thursday, 08:15 - 09:45, room 46-270

Friday, 10:00 - 11:30, room 11-222


Further information:

Link to KIS system

Link to OLAT course

X-rays are one of the most versatile types of electromagnetic radiation for fundamental research and technological applications. It enables the imaging of smallest objects such as atoms and molecules and is an indispensable tool in medical diagnostics. The lecture deals with the generation of X-rays in the laboratory and in large research facilities as well as their properties and interaction with matter. This forms the basis for using X-rays for imaging and spectroscopic methods to characterize structural, electronic and magnetic properties of materials, which are explained using examples from current research. Finally, an outlook is given on future possibilities for the generation and application of ultrashort X-ray pulses, with which dynamic processes in condensed matter can be mapped in real time on pico- and femtosecond timescales.


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