Artikel in begutachteten Zeitschriften und Konferenzbänden
T. Held, S. T. Weber, and B. Rethfeld
Influence of band occupation on electron-phonon coupling in gold
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 37 095001 (2024) -
P. D. Ndione, S. T. Weber, B. Rethfeld, and D. O. Gericke
Stable optical response during electron–phonon equilibration in laser-excited gold
Appl. Phys. Lett. 125, 081601 (2024) -
P. D. Ndione, S. T. Weber, D. O. Gericke, and B. Rethfeld
Adaptive model for the optical properties of excited gold
Phy. Rev. B 109, 11, 115148 (2024) -
P. D. Ndione, S. T. Weber, D. O. Gericke, and B. Rethfeld
Modeling the density response in gold after XUV and optical excitation
Proc. SPIE 12939, High-Power Laser Ablation VIII, 129390Y (2024) -
M. Maigler, T. Held, D. O. Gericke, J. Schein, B. Rethfeld, S. H. Glenzer and M. Z. Mo
Atomistic modelling of ultrafast laser-induced melting in copper
Proc. SPIE 12939, High-Power Laser Ablation VIII, 129390Q (2024)
C. Seibel, M. Uehlein, T. Held, P. N. Terekhin, S. T. Weber, and B. Rethfeld
Time-Resolved Spectral Densities of Nonthermal Electrons in Gold
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2023, 127, 48, 23349–23358 (2023) -
J. Briones, M. Weber, B. Stadtmüller, H. C. Schneider, and B. Rethfeld
Effect of iron thicknesses on spin transport in a Fe/Au bilayer system
Journal of Applied Physics 134, 043907 (2023) -
Hendrik Meer, Stephan Wust, Christin Schmitt, Paul Herrgen, Felix Fuhrmann, Steffen Hirtle, Beatrice Bednarz, Adithya Rajan, Rafael Ramos, Miguel Angel Niño, Michael Foerster, Florian Kronast, Armin Kleibert, Baerbel Rethfeld, Eiji Saitoh, Benjamin Stadtmüller, Martin Aeschlimann, and Mathias Kläui
Laser-Induced Creation of Antiferromagnetic 180-Degree Domains in NiO/Pt Bilayers
Adanced Functional Materials, 2213536 (2023)
C. Seibel, M. Weber, M. Stiehl, S. T. Weber, M. Aeschlimann, H. C. Schneider, B. Stadtmueller, and B. Rethfeld
Control of transport phenomena in magnetic heterostructures by wavelength modulation
Phy. Rev. B 106, 14, L140405 (2022) -
F. Nyenhuis, P. N. Terekhin, T. Menold, B. Rethfeld, A. Michalowski and J. A. L’huillier
Fundamentals of Scanning Surface Structuring by Ultrashort Laser Pulses: From Electron Diffusion to Final Morphology
Adv. Photonics Res. 2022, 2200045 (2022) -
C. Gaudiuso, P. N. Terekhin, A. Volpe, S. Nolte, B. Rethfeld and A. Ancona
Experimental and theoretical study of the ablation of silicon with THz bursts of fs laser pulses
Proc. SPIE 11989, Laser-based Micro- and Nanoprocessing XVI, 119890H (2022) -
M. Uehlein, S. T. Weber and B. Rethfeld
Influence of Electronic Non-Equilibrium on Energy Distribution and Dissipation in Aluminum Studied with an Extended Two-Temperature Model
Nanomaterials 2022, 12(10), 1655 (2022) -
S. Ashok, C. Seibel, S. T. Weber, J. Briones and B. Rethfeld
Influence of diffusive transport on ultrafast magnetization dynamics
Appl. Phys. Lett. 120, 142402 (2022) -
P. D. Ndione, S. T. Weber, D. O. Gericke and B. Rethfeld
Nonequilibrium band occupation and optical response of gold after ultrafast XUV excitation
Sci Rep 12, 4693 (2022) -
P. D. Ndione, D. O. Gericke and B. Rethfeld
Optical Properties of Gold After Intense Short-Pulse Excitations
Front. Phys. 10, 856817 (2022) -
J. Briones, H. C. Schneider and B. Rethfeld
Monte Carlo simulation of ultrafast nonequilibrium spin and charge transport in iron
J. Phys. Commun. 6, 035001 (2022) -
M. Stiehl, M. Weber, C. Seibel, J. Hoefer, S. T. Weber, D. M. Nenno, H. C. Schneider, B. Rethfeld, B. Stadtmüller and M. Aeschlimann
Role of primary and secondary processes in the ultrafast spin dynamics of nickel
Appl. Phys. Lett. 120, 062410 (2022) -
P. N. Terekhin, J. Oltmanns, A. Blumenstein, D. S. Ivanov, F. Kleinwort, M. E. Garcia, B. Rethfeld, J. Ihlemann and P. Simon
Key role of surface plasmon polaritons in generation of periodic surface structures following single-pulse laser irradiation of a gold step edge
Nanophotonics 11(2), 359-367 (2022)
J. Oltmanns, P. N. Terekhin, F. Kleinwort, A. Blumenstein, D. S. Ivanov, M. E. Garcia, B. Rethfeld, J. Ihlemann, and P. Simon
Influence of the laser beam shape on laser-induced periodic surface structure formation assisted by surface plasmon polaritons
Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering, Vol. 16, No. 3, 199-204 (2021) -
M. Hartelt, P. N. Terekhin, T. Eul, A. Mahro, B. Frisch, E. Prinz, B. Rethfeld, B. Stadtmüller and M. Aeschlimann
Energy and Momentum Distribution of Surface Plasmon-Induced Hot Carriers Isolated via Spatiotemporal Separation
ACS Nano 2021 15 (12), 19559-19569 (2021) -
M. Schäfer, P. N. Terekhin, Y. Kang, G. Torosyan, X. del Arco Fargas, S. Hirtle, B. Rethfeld and J. A. L’huillier
Magnetic-field assisted laser ablation of silicon
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 38, E1-E6 (2021) -
S. Hirtle, P. N. Terekhin, M. Schäfer, Y. Kang, Sanjay Ashok, J. A. L’huillier and B. Rethfeld
Influence of an external electric field on the energy dissipation at the initial stage of laser ablation
Opt. Eng. 61(2), 021003 (2021) -
C. Gaudiuso, P. N. Terekhin, A. Volpe, S. Nolte, B. Rethfeld and A. Ancona
Laser ablation of silicon with THz bursts of femtosecond pulses
Sci. Rep. 11, 13321 (2021) -
O. Benhayoun, P. N. Terekhin, D. S. Ivanov, B. Rethfeld and M. E. Garcia
Theory for heating of metals assisted by surface plasmon polaritons
Appl. Sur. Sci. 569, 150427 (2021) -
S. I. Kudryashov, A. A. Samokhvalov, Y. D. Golubev, D. S. Ivanov, M. E. Garcia, V. P. Veiko, B. Rethfeld and V. Y. Mikhailovskii
Dynamic all-optical control in ultrashort double-pulse laser ablation
Appl. Surf. Sci. 537, 14790 (2021)
A. Blumenstein, M. E. Garcia, B.Rethfeld, P. Simon, J. Ihlemann and D. S. Ivanov
Formation of periodic nanoridge patterns by ultrashort single pulse UV laser irradiation of gold
Nanomaterials 10 (10), 1998 (2020) -
P. N. Terekhin, P. D. Ndione, S. T. Weber and B. Rethfeld
Influence of surface plasmon polaritons on heating of gold
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1412, 202016 (2020) -
M. Iqbal, S. A. Khan, D. S. Ivanov, R. A. Ganeev, V. V. Kim, G. S. Boltaev, I. Sapaev, N. A. Abbasi, S. Shaju, M. E. Garcia, B. Rethfeld and A. S. Alnaser
The mechanism of laser-assisted generation of aluminum nanoparticles, their wettability and nonlinearity properties
Appl. Surf. Sci. 527, 146702 (2020) -
M. Iqbal, V. Ialyshev, V. Kim, G. Boltaev, D. Ivanov, B. Rethfeld, R. A. Ganeev and A. S. Alnaser
Simultaneous manipulation of the optical and wettability properties of metal surfaces using 150 kHz femtosecond fiber laser
Appl. Sci. 10 (18), 6207 (2020) -
P. N. Terekhin, O. Benhayoun, S. T. Weber, D. S. Ivanov, M. E. Garcia and B. Rethfeld
Influence of surface plasmon polaritons on laser energy absorption and structuring of surfaces
Appl. Surf. Sci. 512, 144420 (2020) -
Y. Liu, U. Bierbrauer, C. Seick, S. T. Weber, M. Hofherr, N. Y. Schmidt, M. Albrecht, D. Steil, S. Mathias, H. C. Schneider, B. Rethfeld, B. Stadtmueller and M. Aeschlimann
Ultrafast magnetization dynamics of Mn-doped L1_0 FePt with spatial inhomogeneity
JMMM 502, 166477 (2020) -
A. Blumenstein, E. S. Zijlstra, D. S. Ivanov, S. T. Weber, T. Zier, F. Kleinwort, B. Rethfeld, J. Ihlemann, P. Simon and M. E. Garcia
Transient optics of gold during laser irradiation: From first principles to experiment
Phys. Rev. B 101, 165140 (2020) -
V. Lipp, B. Rethfeld, M. Garcia and D. S. Ivanov
Solving a system of differential equations containing a diffusion equation with nonlinear terms on the example of laser heating in silicon
Appl. Sci. 10(5), 1853 (2020) -
M. Hofherr, S. Haeuser, J. K. Dewhurst, P. Tengdin, S. Sakshath, H. T. Nembach, S. T. Weber, J. M. Shaw, T. J. Silva, H. C. Kapteyn, M. Cinchetti, B. Rethfeld, M. M. Murnane, D. Steil, B. Stadtmueller, S. Sharma, M. Aeschlimann and S. Mathias
Ultrafast optically induced spin transfer in ferromagnetic alloys
Sci. Adv. 6(3), eaay8717 (2020) -
D. S. Ivanov, T. Izgin, A. N. Maiorov, V. P. Veiko, B. Rethfeld, Y. I. Dombrovska, M. E. Garcia, I. N. Zavestovskaya, S. M. Klimentov and A. V. Kabashin
Numerical Investigation of Ultrashort Laser-Ablative Synthesis of Metal Nanoparticles in Liquids Using the Atomistic-Continuum Model
Molecules 25(1), 67 (2020)
V. V. Kim, D. S. Ivanov, R. A. Ganeev, M. Venkatesh, G. S. Boltaev, M. E. Garcia, B. Rethfeld and C. Guo
Aluminum nanoparticle plasma formation for high-order harmonic generation
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 52, 245601 (2019) - S. T. Weber and B. Rethfeld
Phonon-induced long-lasting nonequilibrium in the electron system of a laser-excited solid
Phys. Rev. B 99, 174314 (2019) -
M. Lehr, K. Bley, N. Vogel, B. Rethfeld, G. Schoenhense and H.-J. Elmers
Evidence of spatially inhomogeneous electron temperature in a resonantly excited array of bow-tie nanoantennas
J. Phys. Chem. C 123, 12429-124436 (2019) -
P. D. Ndione, S. T. Weber, B. Rethfeld and D. O. Gericke
Density response to short-pulse excitation in gold
Contrib. Plasma. Phys., 201800186 (2019)
D. M. Nenno, B. Rethfeld and H. C. Schneider
Particle-in-cell simulation of ultrafast hot-carrier transport in Fe/Au heterostructures
Phys. Rev. B 98, 224416 (2018) -
I. Klett and B. Rethfeld
Relaxation of a nonequilibrium phonon distribution induced by femtosecond laser irradiation
Phys. Rev. B 98, 144306 (2018) - T. S. Seifert, S. Jaiswal, J. Barker, S. T. Weber, I. Razdolski, J. Cramer, O. Gueckstock, S. F. Maehrlein, L. Nadvornik, S. Watanabe, C. Ciccarelli, A. Melnikov, G. Jakob, M. Muenzenberg, S. T. B. Goennenwein, G. Woltersdorf, B. Rethfeld, P. W. Brouwer, M. Wolf, M. Kläui and T.Kampfrath
Femtosecond formation dynamics of the spin Seebeck effect revealed by terahertz spectroscopy
Nature Communications 9, 2889 (2018) - N. Brouwer and B. Rethfeld
Relaxation processes in laser-excited dielectrics
SPIE Proceedings 10519, 105190P (2018) - S. T. Weber and B. Rethfeld
Electron dynamics in silver after ultrafast laser-excitation
SPIE Proceedings 10519, 105190T (2018)
- D. S. Ivanov, A. Blumenstein, J. Ihlemann, P. Simon, M. E. Garcia and B. Rethfeld
Molecular dynamics modeling of periodic nanostructuring of metals with a short UV laser pulse under spatial confinement by a water layer
Appl. Phys. A 123, 744 (2017) - B. Rethfeld, D. S. Ivanov, M. E. Garcia and S. I. Anisimov
Modelling ultrafast laser ablation
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 50, 19 (2017) - N. Brouwer and B. Rethfeld
Transient electron excitation and nonthermal electron-phonon coupling in dielectrics irradiated by ultrashort laser pulses
Phys. Rev. B 95, 245139 (2017) - K. Sokolowski-Tinten, X. Shen, Q. Zheng, T. Chase, R. Coffee, M. Jerman, R. K. Li, M. Ligges, I. Makasyuk, M. Mo, A. H. Reid, B. Rethfeld, T. Vecchione, S. P. Weathersby, H. A. Dürr and X. J. Wang
Electron-lattice energy relaxation in laser-excited thin-film Au-insulator heterostructures studied by ultrafast MeV electron diffraction
Structural Dynamics 4, 054501 (2017) - D. S. Ivanov, A. Blumenstein, B. Rethfeld, V. P. Veiko, E. B. Yakovlev, M. E. Garcia, P. Simon and J. Ihlemann
Nanoscale structure generation within the surface layer of metals with short UV laser pulses
Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics 17, 1 (2017) - S. T. Weber and B. Rethfeld
Laser-excitation of electrons and nonequilibrium energy transfer to phonons in copper
Appl. Surf. Sci. 417, 64 (2017) - U. Bierbrauer, S. T. Weber, D. Schummer, M. Barkowski, A.-K. Mahro, S. Mathias, H. C. Schneider, B. Stadtmueller, M. Aeschlimann and B. Rethfeld
Ultrafast magnetization dynamics in Nickel: impact of pump photon energy
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 29, 244002 (2017)
- M. V. Shugaev, C. Wu, O. Armbruster, A. Naghilou, N. Brouwer, D. S. Ivanov, T. J.-Y. Derrien, N. M. Bulgakova, W. Kautek, B. Rethfeld und L. V. Zhigilei
Fundamentals of ultrafast laser-material interaction
MRS Bulletin 41, 960 (2016) - A. Rämer, L. Haahr-Lillevang, B. Rethfeld und P. Balling
Modeling the transient optical parameters in laser-excited band gap materials
Optical Engineering 56, 011015 (2016) - K. Huthmacher, A. K. Molberg, B. Rethfeld und J. R. Gulley
A split-step method to include electron-electron collisions via Monte Carlo in multiple rate equation simulations
Journal of Computational Physics 322, 535 (2016)
- D. S. Ivanov, V. P. Lipp, A. Blumenstein, F. Kleinwort, V. P. Veiko, E. Yakovlev, V. Roddatis, M. E. Garcia, B. Rethfeld, J. Ihlemann und P. Simon
Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Periodic Nanostructuring of Au with Ultrashort UV Laser Pulses near the Damage Threshold
Phys. Rev. Applied 4, 064006 (2015) - I. Klett, T. Zier, B. Rethfeld, M. E. Garcia und E. S. Zijlstra
Isostructural elemental crystals in the presence of hot carriers
Phys. Rev. B 91, 144303 (2015) - K. Huthmacher, A. Herzwurm, M. Gnewuch, K. Ritter und B. Rethfeld
Monte Carlo simulation of electron dynamics in liquid water
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 429, 242 (2015) - B.Y. Mueller und B. Rethfeld
Ultrafast Magnetization Dynamics Driven by Equilibration of Temperatures and Chemical Potentials
Springer Proceedings in Physics 159, 65 (2015) - B.Y. Mueller, M. Cinchetti, M. Aeschlimann, H.C. Schneider und B. Rethfeld
Relaxation dynamics of majority and minority electrons after ultrashort laser excitation
Springer Proceedings in Physics 159, 116 (2015)
- V. P. Lipp, B. Rethfeld, M. E. Garcia und D. S. Ivanov
Atomistic-continuum modeling of short laser pulse melting of Si targets
Phys. Rev. B 90, 245306 (2014) - D. S. Ivanov, V. P. Lipp, V. P. Veiko, E. Yakovlev, B. Rethfeld und M. E. Garcia
Molecular dynamics study of the short laser pulse ablation: quality and efficiency in production
Appl. Phys. A 117, 2133 (2014) - B. Y. Mueller und B. Rethfeld
Thermodynamic μT model of ultrafast magnetization dynamics
Phys. Rev. B 90, 144420 (2014) - N. Brouwer und B. Rethfeld
Excitation and relaxation dynamics in dielectrics irradiated by an intense ultrashort laser pulse
JOSA B 31, C28 (2014) - A. Rämer, O. Osmani und B. Rethfeld
Laser damage in silicon: Energy absorption, relaxation, and transport
J. Appl. Phys. 116, 053508 (2014) - D. S. Ivanov, V. P. Lipp, B. Rethfeld und M. E. Garcia
Molecular-dynamics study of the mechanism of short-pulse laser ablation of single-crystal and polycrystalline metallic targets
Journal of Optical Technology 81, 250 (2014) - V. P. Lipp, D. S. Ivanov, B. Rethfeld, und M. E. Garcia
On the interatomic interaction potential that describes bond weakening in classical molecular-dynamic modelling
Journal of Optical Technology 81, 254 (2014) - B. Rethfeld, A. Rämer, N. Brouwer, N. Medvedev und O. Osmani
Electron dynamics and energy dissipation in highly excited dielectrics
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 327, 78 (2014) - B. Y. Mueller und B. Rethfeld
Nonequilibrium electron–phonon coupling after ultrashort laser excitation of gold
Appl. Surf. Sci. 320, 24 (2014)
- O. Osmani, N. Medvedev, J. I. Juaristi, M. Schleberger, B. Rethfeld
Transient metal-like electrical conductivity in swift heavy ion irradiated insulators
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 317, 72 (2013) - W. Wendelen, B. Y. Mueller, D. Autrique, A. Bogaerts und B. Rethfeld
Modeling ultrashort laser-induced emission from a negatively biased metal
Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 221603 (2013) - T. Bierschenk, R. Giulian, B. Afra, M. D. Rodriguez, D. Schauries, S. Mudie, O. H. Pakarinen, F. Djurabekova,
K. Nordlund, O. Osmani, N. Medvedev, B. Rethfeld, M. C. Ridgway und P. Kluth
Latent ion tracks in amorphous silicon
Phys. Rev. B 88, 174111 (2013) - D. Autrique, I. Gornushkin, V. Alexiades, Z. Chen, A. Bogaerts und B. Rethfeld
Revisiting the interplay between ablation, collisional, and radiative processes during ns-laser ablation
Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 174102 (2013) - B. Y. Mueller, A. Baral, S. Vollmar, M. Cinchetti, M. Aeschlimann, H. C. Schneider und B. Rethfeld
Feedback Effect during Ultrafast Demagnetization Dynamics in Ferromagnets
Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 167204 (2013) - D. Autrique, G. Clair, D. L'Hermite, V. Alexiades, A. Bogaerts und B. Rethfeld
The role of mass removal mechanisms in the onset of ns-laser induced plasma formation
J. Appl. Phys. 114, 023301 (2013) - D. S. Ivanov, A. I. Kuznetsov, V. P. Lipp, B. Rethfeld, B. N. Chichkov, M. E. Garcia und W. Schulz
Short laser pulse nanostructuring of metals: direct comparison of molecular dynamics modeling and experiment
Applied Physics A 111, 675 (2013) - M. C. Ridgway, T. Bierschenk, R. Giulian, B. Afra, M. D. Rodriguez, L. L. Araujo, A. P. Byrne, N. Kirby,
O. H. Pakarinen, F. Djurabekova, K. Nordlund, M. Schleberger, O. Osmani, N. Medvedev, B. Rethfeld und P. Kluth
Tracks and Voids in Amorphous Ge Induced by Swift Heavy-Ion Irradiation
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 245502 (2013) - K. Huthmacher, N. Medvedev und B. Rethfeld
Electron kinetics in liquid water excited by a femtosecond VUV laser pulse
SPIE Proceedings 8777, 87770S (2013) - G. Hoffmeister, C. Bellei, K. Harres, D. Ivanov, D. Kraus, A. Pelka, B. Rethfeld, G. Schaumann und M. Roth
Influence of fs-laser desorption on target normal sheath accelerated ions
Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 16, 041304 (2013) - B. Y. Mueller und B. Rethfeld
Relaxation dynamics in laser-excited metals under nonequilibrium conditions
Phys. Rev. B 87, 035139 (2013)
- O. Brenk, N. Brouwer, A. Rämer, O. Osmani und B. Rethfeld
Modeling energy transfer and transport in laser-excited dielectrics
SPIE Proceedings 8530, 85300G (2012) - O. Brenk und B. Rethfeld
Electron dynamics in transparent materials under high-intensity laser irradiation
Opt. Eng. 51 (12), 121810 (2012) - W. Wendelen, B. Y. Mueller, D. Autrique, B. Rethfeld und A. Bogaerts
Space charge corrected electron emission from an aluminum surface under non-equilibrium conditions
J. Appl. Phys. 111, 113110 (2012) - O. Osmani, I. Alzaher, T. Peters, B. Ban d’Etat, A. Cassimi, H. Lebius, I. Monnet, N. Medvedev, B. Rethfeld und M. Schleberger
Damage in crystalline silicon by swift heavy ion irradiation
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 282, 43 (2012) - B. Y. Mueller, I. Klett und B. Rethfeld
Laser excited metals unter non-equilibrium conditions
AIP Conference Proceedings 1464, 609 (2012) - D. Autrique, Z. Chen, V. Alexiades, A. Bogaerts und B. Rethfeld
A multiphase model for pulsed ns-laser ablation of copper in an ambient gas
AIP Conference Proceedings 1464, 648 (2012) - G. Hoffmeister, M. Roth, C. Bellei, K. Harres, D. Kraus, A. Pelka, B. Rethfeld und G. Schaumann
Effects of fs-laser desorption on the target normal sheath acceleration (TNSA)
AIP Conference Proceedings 1464, 418 (2012)
- O. Osmani, N. Medvedev, M. Schleberger und B. Rethfeld
Energy dissipation in dielectrics after swift heavy ion impact: a hybrid model
Phys. Rev. B 84, 214105 (2011) - B. Y. Mueller, T. Roth, M. Cinchetti, M. Aeschlimann und B. Rethfeld
Driving Force of Ultrafast Magnetization Dynamics
New Journal of Physics 13, 123010 (2011) - N. Medvedev, U. Zastrau, E. Förster, D. O. Gericke und B. Rethfeld
Short-Time Electron Dynamics in Aluminum Excited by Femtosecond Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation
Phys. Rev. Letters 107, 165003 (2011) - V. P. Lipp, A. E. Volkov, M. V. Sorokin und B. Rethfeld
Kinetics and propagation of the lattice excitation in a swift heavy ion track
Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 269 865 (2011) - O. Brenk und B. Rethfeld
Electron dynamics in transparent materials unter high-intensity laser irradiation
SPIE Proceedings 8190, 81901W-1 (2011) - K. Huthmacher, N. Medvedev und B. Rethfeld
Dynamics of electrons in liquid water excited with an ultrashort VUV laser pulse
SPIE Proceedings 8077, 807716 (2011) - N. A. Medvedev und B. Rethfeld
Electron kinetics in semiconductors and metals irradtiated with VUV-XUV femtosecond laser pulses
SPIE Proceedings 8077, 8077Q (2011)
- N. Medvedev und B. Rethfeld
A comprehensive model for the ultrashort visible light irradiation of semiconductors
Journal of Applied Physics, 108, 103112 (2010) - B. Rethfeld, O. Brenk, N. Medvedev, H. Krutsch und D.H.H. Hoffmann
Interaction of dielectrics with femtosecond laser pulses: application of kinetic approach and multiple rate equation
Applied Physics A 109, 19 (2010) - N. Medvedev, A. Volkov, B. Rethfeld und N. Shcheblanov
Effect of inter-atomic Auger processes on relaxation of electronic vacancies at deep levels of highly ionized atoms in swift heavy ion tracks
Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 268, 2870 (2010) - N. Medvedev, O. Osmani, M. Schleberger und B. Rethfeld
Track creation after swift heavy ion irradiation of insulators
Nuclear Instruments and Methods B 268, 3160 (2010) - N. Medvedev, A. Volkov, N. Shcheblanov und B. Rethfeld
Early stage of the electron kinetics in swift heavy ion tracks in dielectrics
Phys. Rev. B 82, 125425 (2010) - N. Medvedev und B. Rethfeld
Transient dynamics of the electronic subsystem of semiconductors irradiated with an ultrashort vacuum ultraviolet laser pulse
New Journal of Physics 12, 073037 (2010) - O. Osmani, N. Medvedev, M. Schleberger und B. Rethfeld
Excitation and Relaxation of Swift Heavy Ion Irradiated Dielectrics
e-J. Surf. Sci. Nanotech. 8, 278 (2010) - O. Osmani, H. Lebius, B. Rethfeld und M. Schleberger
Energy dissipation in insulators induced by swift heavy ions: a parameter study
Laser and Particle Beams 28, 229 (2010) - B. Rethfeld, H. Krutsch, D.H.H. Hoffmann
Tracing laser-induced dielectic breakdown in solids
Contrib. Plasma Phys. (Vol. 50,Issue 1, Pages 16 - 20) - D. S. Ivanov, Z. Lin, B. Rethfeld, G. M. O'Connor,T. J. Glynn und L. V. Zhigilei
Nanocrystalline structure of nanobump generated by localized photoexcitation of metal film
Journal of Applied Physics 107, 013519 (2010). - N. Medvedev und B. Rethfeld
Dynamics of Electronic Excitation of Solids with Ultrashort Laser Pulse
AIP Conference Proceedings, 1278, 250 (2010) - L. Englert, M. Wollenhaupt, L. Haag, C. Sarpe-Tudoran, B. Rethfeld und T. Baumert
Tailored Femtosecond Pulse for Nanoscale Laser Processing of Dielectrics
Ultrafast Phenomena XVI, Springer Series in Chemical Physics, 92, 976 (2010)
- N. Medvedev und B. Rethfeld
Effective energy gap of semiconductors under irradiation with a femtosecond VUV laser pulse
Europhysics Letters 88, 55001 (2009) - D. S. Ivanov und B. Rethfeld
The Effect of Pulse Duration on the Character of Laser Heating: Photo-Mechanical vs. Photo-Thermal Damage of Metal Targets
Appl. Surf. Sci, 255, 9724 (2009) - N. Medvedev und B. Rethfeld
Dynamic of electronic subsystem of semiconductors excited with nnd ultrashort VUV laser pulse
SPIE Proceedings 7361, 7361E (2009)
- A. K. Upadhyay, N .A. Inogamov, B. Rethfeld und H. M. Urbassek
Ablation by ultrashort laser pulses: Atomistic and thermodynamic analysis of the processes at the ablation threshold
Phys. Rev. B. 78, 045437 (2008) - L. Englert, M. Wollenhaupt, L. Haag, C. Sarpe-Tudoran, B. Rethfeld und T. Baumert
Material processing of dielectrics with temporally asymmetric shaped femtosecond laser pulses on the nanometer scale
Appl. Phys. A. 92, 749 (2008) - D. S. Ivanov, B. C. Rethfeld, G. M. O'Connor, T. J. Glynn, A. N. Volkov und L. V. Zhigilei
The Mechanism of Nanobump Formation in Femtosecond Pulse Laser Nanostructuring of Thin Metal Films
Appl. Phys. A. 92, 791 (2008) - B. Krenzer, A. Hanisch, A. Duvenbeck, B. Rethfeld und M. Horn-von Hoegen
Heat transport in nanoscale heterosystems: A numerical and analytical study
Journal of Nanomaterials, 590609 (2008) - B. Omar und B. Rethfeld
Kinetic Approach for Laser-Induced Plasmas
AIP Conference Proceedings, 15 1058, pp. 49-51 (2008) - B. Rethfeld, S. Linden, L. Englert, M. Wollenhaupt, L. Haag, C. Sarpe-Tudoran und T. Baumert
Electron generation in laser-irradiated insulators: theoretical descriptions and their application
SPIE Proceedings 7005, O50 (2008) - Yu. V. Petrov, V. V. Zhakhovskii, N. A. Inogamov, S. I. Ashitkov, V. A. Khokhlov, A. K. Upadhyay, M. B. Agranat, S. I. Anisimov, K. Nishibara, B. Rethfeld und H. M. Urbassek
Equation of state of matter irradiated by short laser pulse and geometry of spalled cupola
SPIE Proceedings 7005, W51 (2008)
Publikationen von Bärbel Rethfeld, 1995 - 2007
- L. Englert, B. Rethfeld, L. Haag, M. Wollenhaupt, C. Sarpe-Tudoran und T. Baumert
Control of ionization processes in high band gap materials via tailored femtosecond pulses
Optics Express 15, 17855 (2007) - B. Rethfeld
Free-electron generation in laser-irradiated dielectrics
Contributions to Plasma Physics 47, 360-367, (2007) - A. Gloskovskii, D. Valdaitsev, S. A. Nepijko, G. Schönhense und B. Rethfeld
Coexisting electron emission mechanisms in small metal particles observed in fs-laser excited PEEM
Surface Science 601, 4706, (2007) - D. H. H. Hoffmann, A. Blazevic, S. Korostiy, P. Ni, S. A. Pikuz, B. Rethfeld, O. Rosmej, M. Roth, N. A. Tahir, S. Udrea, D. Varentsov, K. Weyrich, B. Yu. Sharkov und Y. Maron
Inertial fusion energy issues of intense heavy ion and laser beams interacting with ionized matter studied at GSI-Darmstadt
Nucl.Instr.and Meth.A, 577:1-2, 8, (2007) - A. Blazevic, B. Rethfeld und D. H. H. Hoffmann
High Energy Density Matter Generated by Heavy-Ion Beams, and Application to Fusion Energy
Matematisk-fisiske Meddelelser 52:1, 109 (2006) - H. M. Urbassek, X. Gu und B. Rethfeld
Laser-irradiation-induced temperature jump at interfaces: evidence for the Kapitza effect in molecular-dynamics simulation
Comp. Mat.Science 38, 51, (2006) - M. Lindenblatt, E. Pehlke, A. Duvenbeck, B. Rethfeld und A. Wucher
Kinetic excitation of solids: the concept of electronic friction
Nucl.Instr.and Meth.B 246, 333, (2006) - B. Rethfeld
Free electron generation in laser-irradiated dielectrics
Phys.Rev.B 73, 035101, (2006) - B. Rethfeld
Free-electron generation in laser-irradiated dielectrics
SPIE Proceedings 6261-28, S2610 (2006) - B.Rethfeld
Free electron generation in laser-irradiated dielectrics
SPIE Proceedings 6259, 62590C, (2005) - B. Rethfeld, K. Sokolowski-Tinten, D. von der Linde und S. I. Anisimov
Timescales in the response of materials to femtosecond laser excitation
Applied Physics A 79, 767, (2004) - B. Rethfeld, V. V. Temnov, K. Sokolowski-Tinten, P. Zhou, D. von der Linde, S. I. Anisimov, S. I. Ashitkov und M. B. Agranat
Superfast thermal melting of solids under the action of femtosecond laser pulses
Journal of Optical Technology 71, 348, (2004) - B. Rethfeld
Unified model for the free-electron avalanche in laser-irradiated dielectrics
Phys.Rev.Lett. 92, 187401, (2004); Phys.Rev.Lett. 92, 209901 (E) (2004) - V. V. Temnov, K. Sokolowski-Tinten, P. Zhou, B. Rethfeld, V. E. Gruzdev, A. El-Khamhawy und D. von der Linde
Ionization mechanisms in dielectrics irradiated by femtosecond laser pulses
SPIE Proceedings 5448, 1119, (2004) - B. Rethfeld, K. Sokolowski-Tinten und D.von der Linde
Excitation - melting - ablation: Theoretical investigations of key processes during ultrashort pulsed laser machining
SPIE Proceedings 5063, 71, (2003) - B. Rethfeld, V. Temnov, K. Sokolowski-Tinten, S. I. Anisimov und D.von der Linde
Dynamics of ultrashort pulse-laser ablation: equation of state considerations
SPIE Proceedings 4760, 72, (2002) - S. I. Ashitkov, M. B. Agranat, P. S. Kondratenko, S. I. Anisimov, V. E. Fortov, V. V. Temnov, K. Sokolowski-Tinten, B. Rethfeld, P. Zhou and D. von der Linde
Ultrafast Laser-Induced Phase Transitions in Tellurium
JETP Letters 76, 461, (2002) - B. Rethfeld, A. Kaiser, M. Vicanek und G. Simon
Ultrafast dynamics of non-equilibrium electrons in metals under femtosecond laser irradiation
Phys.Rev.B 65, 214303, (2002) - B. Rethfeld, K. Sokolowski-Tinten, D. von der Linde und S. I. Anisimov
Ultrafast thermal melting of laser-excited solids by homogeneous nucleation
Phys.Rev.B 65, 092103, (2002) - B. Rethfeld, K. Sokolowski-Tinten, V. Temnov, S. Kudryashov, J. Bialkowski, A. Cavalleri und D. von der Linde
Dinamika ablyatsii tvyordykh tel pod vozdejstviem femtosekundnykh lazernykh impulsov, (Russian)
Izvestiya Rossiskoj Akademii Nauk (fiz.) 65, (2001) - O. Fedotova, T. Smirnova, O. K. Khasanov, B. Rethfeld, K. Sokolowski-Tinten und D. von der Linde
Peculiarities of the sub-picosecond pulse interaction with bulk dielectric samples
SPIE Proceedings 4748, 198, (2001) - B. Rethfeld, A. Kaiser, M. Vicanek und G. Simon
Nonequilibrium electron and phonon dynamics in solids absorbing a subpicosecond laser pulse
SPIE Proceedings 4423, 250, (2001) - B. Rethfeld, K. Sokolowski-Tinten, V. Temnov, S. Kudryashov, J. Bialkowski, A. Cavalleri und D. von der Linde
Ablation dynamics of solids heated by femtosecond laser pulses
SPIE Proceedings 4423, 186, (2001) - B. Rethfeld, A. Kaiser, M. Vicanek und G. Simon
Microscopical dynamics in solids absorbing a subpicosecond laser pulse
SPIE Proceedings 4065, 356, (2000) - A. Kaiser, B. Rethfeld, M. Vicanek und G. Simon
Microscopic processes in dielectrics under irradiation by subpicosecond laser pulses
Phys.Rev.B 61, 11437, (2000) - B. Rethfeld, A. Kaiser, M. Vicanek und G. Simon
Femtosecond laser-induced heating of electron gas in aluminum
Applied Physics A 69 [Suppl.], S109, (1999) - N. A. Inogamov, S. I. Anisimov und B. Rethfeld
Rarefaction wave and gravitational equilibrium in a two-phase liquid-vapor medium
JETP 88, 1143-1150, (1999) - S. I. Anisimov, N. A. Inogamov, A. M. Oparin, B. Rethfeld, T. Yabe, M. Ogawaa und V. Fortov
Pulsed laser evaporation: equation-of-state effects
Appl.Phys.A 69, 617, (1999) - B. Rethfeld, A. Kaiser, M. Vicanek und G. Simon
Excitation and relaxation dynamics of electrons and phonons in solids absorbing subpicosecond laser pulses
SPIE Proceedings 3885, 200, (1999) - B. Rethfeld, A. Kaiser, M. Vicanek und G. Simon
Irradiation of solids with subpicosecond laser pulses: excitation and relaxation dynamics of electrons and phonons
SPIE Proceedings 3343, 388, (1998) - B. Rethfeld, A. Kaiser, M. Vicanek und G. Simon
Wechselwirkung von Festkörpern mit Femtosekundenlaserpulsen
in Strahl-Stoff-Wechselwirkung bei der Lasermaterialbearbeitung 2, S.53-58, Herausgeber: G. Sepold, M. Geiger, BIAS-Verlag, (1998) - S. I. Anisimov und B. Rethfeld
On the theory of ultrashort laser pulse interaction with a metal
SPIE Proceedings 3093, 192, (1997) - S. I. Anisimov und B. Rethfeld
On the theory of ultrashort laser pulse interaction with a metal
Izvestia Akademii Nauk (Fiz.) 61, 1642, (1997) - B. Rethfeld, T. Klein, J. Wendelstorf und G. Simon
A self-consistent model for the cathode fall region of an electric arc
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 29, 121, (1996) - B. Rethfeld und S. I. Anisimov
On the stability of metal evaporation produced by an ultrashort laser pulse
JETP Letters 62, 872, (1995)
D. S. Ivanov, O. Osmani und B. Rethfeld
Computer Modeling of Nanostructuring on Materials with Tightly Focused Energy Deposition
Chapter in Laser Beams: Theory, Properties and Applications, Nova Science Publishers, NY (2009)
Zeitungsartikel und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
- Ein gelungenes Experiment: Physik in der Grundschule, Patrick Heil und Bärbel Rethfeld,
Unispectrum der TU Kaiserslautern 02/09, Seite 56, 2009. - "Bunte Schatten erzeugen" Interview: Bärbel Rethfeld von der TU über Physik für Grundschüler,
DIE RHEINPFALZ Nr. 155, 8. Juli 2009. - "Physik in die Wiege gelegt" Porträt: Bärbel Rethfeld erhält an der TU eine Heisenberg-Professur für Angewandte Theoretische Physik,
DIE RHEINPFALZ Nr. 46, 23. Februar 2012