
Seminar on ultrafast dynamics of highly excited solids

Date Time Room Speaker Title
24.10.202413:4576-339Journal Club
07.11.202413:4576-339Lukas JondaResults of variation of fluence and photon energy with a hybrid simulation
14.11.202413:4576-339Stephanie RodenReview of my time in Kassel: First insights into ab initio calculations
21.11.202413:4576-339Sanjay AshokUltrafast magnetization dynamics and transport
05.12.202413:4576-339Markus Ühlein / Tobias HeldTestlauf für den Tag der Physik
12.12.202413:4576-339Christopher SeibelEnergy-resolved spin dynamics and magneto-optical response of laser-excited nickel
19.12.202413:4576-339Tarek MoussaInvestigating Spin Inertia on the basis of Spin-Orbit-Coupling
09.01.202513:4576-339Yanis AbdedouLaser writing of color centers
16.01.202513:4576-339Tobias HeldInduction of non-equilibrium phonon distribution by hot electrons
23.01.202513:4576-339Journal Club
06.02.202513:4576-339Sanjay AshokExcitation of ultrafast currents: Thick films vs. heterostructures

There may be changes on short notice.

Guests are highly welcome!