
Dr. Pascal D. Ndione  Photo of Pascal D. Ndione
M. Sc. Steffen Hirtle  Photo of Steffen Hirtle

Master's Thesis: Relaxation Processes in Laser-Excited Dielectrics and Antiferromagnetic Insulators

Dr. rer. nat. Johan Briones  Photo of Johan Briones

Phd Thesis: Establishing a Monte Carlo simulation of nonequilibrium charge and spin transport in metals

Dr. rer. nat. Pavel Terekhin  Photo of Pavel Terekhin
Dr. rer. nat. Isabel Klett  Photo of Isabel Klett

Phd Thesis: Auswirkungen laserangeregter Nichtgleichgewichtszustaende auf die Phononendynamik in Festkoerpern

Dipl.-Phys Lorenz Steinert

Diploma Thesis: Multichromatische Laseranregung in Metallen

Dipl.-Phys Katharina Hilgert  Photo of Katharina Hilgert

Diploma Thesis: Theoretische Untersuchung von Elektronenrelaxation in laserangeregtem Graphit

M. Sc. Xavi del Arco  Photo of Xavi del Arco

Master's Thesis: Monte Carlo Simulation for the Study of the Magnetic Field Effect on a Laser-Excited Metal

B. Sc. Benedikt Schneider

Bachelor's Thesis: Optically stimulated luminescence via multiophoton excitation in modified lithium flouride

B. Sc. Julia Amann

Bachelor's Thesis: Monte-Carlo Simulation of the Energy Distribution in Laser-Irradiated Solids under the Influence of a Magnetic Field

Dr. Nils Brouwer  Photo of Nils Brouwer

Phd Thesis: Non-equilibrium electron dynamics in dielectrics irradiated by ultrashort laser pulses

Dipl.-Phys Kai Klein  Photo of Kai Klein

Diploma Thesis: Magnetization dynamics in itinerant ferromagnets

Dr. Anika Raemer  Photo of Anika Raemer

Phd Thesis: Excitation and Relaxation Dynamics in Laser-Excited Semiconductors and Dielectrics

M. Ed. Andreas Hauch  Photo of Andreas Hauch

Master's Thesis: Monte Carlo Trajectory simulation of electron-electron dynamics in laser excited liquid water

Dipl.-Phys Oliver Brenk  Photo of Oliver Brenk

Diploma Thesis: Modelling the transient free Electron Density in a Dielectric during Laser Irradiation

Dr. Klaus Huthmacher  Photo of Klaus Huthmacher

Current Position : Financial Engineer at EDG AG in Frankfurt

Phd Thesis: A Monte Carlo simulation of electron dynamics in laser-excited liquid water

Dr. Vladimir Lipp  Photo of Vladimir Lipp

Current Position : Postdoc at the Center for Free Electron Laser science at DESY in Hamburg

Phd Thesis: Atomistic-continuum modeling of ultrafast laser-induced melting of silicon targets

Dipl.-Phys Linda Thesing  Photo of Linda Thesing

Current Position : Graduate student at the Center for Free Electron Laser science at DESY in Hamburg

Diploma Thesis: Transport Effects and Ultrafast Magnetization Dynamics in Laser-excited Metals

Dr. Dimitry Ivanov  Photo of Dimitry Ivanov

Current Position : Researcher at the University of Kassel

M. Ed. Nicole Haupt  Photo of Nicole Haupt

Master's Thesis: Entwicklung und Erprobung eines Schülerlabor-Themenmoduls zum „Magnetismus” für Schüler der dritten und vierten Jahrgangsstufe

Dr. Benedikt Müller  Photo of Benedikt Müller

Current Position : Employee at KSB in Frankenthal

Phd Thesis: Relaxationsdynamik spinaufgelöster Elektronenverteilungen in laserangeregten Metallen

M. Ed. Katharina Eberhard  Photo of Katharina Eberhard

Current Position : Teacher at Wilhelm-von-Humboldt-Gymnasium Ludwigshafen

Master's Thesis: Optik und Magnetismus für Grundschüler - Entwicklung und Erprobung von Schülerversuchen

Dr. David Autrique  Photo of David Autrique

Phd Thesis: Multiphase modelling of a ns-laser-irradiated copper sample

Dr. Orkhan Osmani  Photo of Orkhan Osmani

Phd Thesis: Irradiation effects of swift heavy ions in matter

Dr. Nikita Medvedev  Photo of Nikita Medvedev

Current Position : Scientist at Institute of Physics ASCR in Prague, Czech Republic

Phd Thesis: Excitation and relaxation of the electronic subsystem in solids after high energy deposition

Patrick Heil  Photo of Patrick Heil

Current Position : Teacher at Bertha-von-Suttner IGS Kaiserslautern

Thesis: Entwicklung, Erprobung und Evaluation zweier Lehr-Lern-Einheiten zur Förderung des physikalischen Verständnisses in der Primarstufe