Master's Thesis: Relaxation Processes in Laser-Excited Dielectrics and Antiferromagnetic Insulators
Phd Thesis: Establishing a Monte Carlo simulation of nonequilibrium charge and spin transport in metals
Phd Thesis: Auswirkungen laserangeregter Nichtgleichgewichtszustaende auf die Phononendynamik in Festkoerpern
Diploma Thesis: Multichromatische Laseranregung in Metallen
Diploma Thesis: Theoretische Untersuchung von Elektronenrelaxation in laserangeregtem Graphit
Master's Thesis: Monte Carlo Simulation for the Study of the Magnetic Field Effect on a Laser-Excited Metal
Bachelor's Thesis: Optically stimulated luminescence via multiophoton excitation in modified lithium flouride
Bachelor's Thesis: Monte-Carlo Simulation of the Energy Distribution in Laser-Irradiated Solids under the Influence of a Magnetic Field
Phd Thesis: Non-equilibrium electron dynamics in dielectrics irradiated by ultrashort laser pulses
Diploma Thesis: Magnetization dynamics in itinerant ferromagnets
Phd Thesis: Excitation and Relaxation Dynamics in Laser-Excited Semiconductors and Dielectrics
Master's Thesis: Monte Carlo Trajectory simulation of electron-electron dynamics in laser excited liquid water
Diploma Thesis: Modelling the transient free Electron Density in a Dielectric during Laser Irradiation
Current Position : Financial Engineer at EDG AG in Frankfurt
Phd Thesis: A Monte Carlo simulation of electron dynamics in laser-excited liquid water
Current Position : Postdoc at the Center for Free Electron Laser science at DESY in Hamburg
Phd Thesis: Atomistic-continuum modeling of ultrafast laser-induced melting of silicon targets
Current Position : Graduate student at the Center for Free Electron Laser science at DESY in Hamburg
Diploma Thesis: Transport Effects and Ultrafast Magnetization Dynamics in Laser-excited Metals
Current Position : Researcher at the University of Kassel
Master's Thesis: Entwicklung und Erprobung eines Schülerlabor-Themenmoduls zum „Magnetismus” für Schüler der dritten und vierten Jahrgangsstufe
Current Position : Employee at KSB in Frankenthal
Phd Thesis: Relaxationsdynamik spinaufgelöster Elektronenverteilungen in laserangeregten Metallen
Current Position : Teacher at Wilhelm-von-Humboldt-Gymnasium Ludwigshafen
Master's Thesis: Optik und Magnetismus für Grundschüler - Entwicklung und Erprobung von Schülerversuchen
Phd Thesis: Multiphase modelling of a ns-laser-irradiated copper sample
Phd Thesis: Irradiation effects of swift heavy ions in matter
Current Position : Scientist at Institute of Physics ASCR in Prague, Czech Republic
Phd Thesis: Excitation and relaxation of the electronic subsystem in solids after high energy deposition
Current Position : Teacher at Bertha-von-Suttner IGS Kaiserslautern
Thesis: Entwicklung, Erprobung und Evaluation zweier Lehr-Lern-Einheiten zur Förderung des physikalischen Verständnisses in der Primarstufe