- Coherent perfect absorber and laser for nonlinear waves in optical waveguide arrays (B3)
- Coherent perfect absorption of nonlinear matter waves (B3)
- Collective modes of a photon Bose–Einstein condensate with thermo-optic interaction (B1)
- Collective Radiative Interactions in the Discrete Truncated Wigner Approximation (B2)
- Competing magnetic orders in a bilayer Hubbard model with ultracold atoms (B4)
- Competing phases in spin ladders with ring exchange and frustration (A5)
- Compressibility and the Equation of State of an Optical Quantum Gas in a Box (B1, B6)
- Conductance in inhomogeneous quantum wires: Luttinger liquid predictions and quantum Monte Carlo results (A5)
- Continuous Easy-Plane Deconfined Phase Transition on the Kagome Lattice (A5)
- Controlled doping of a bosonic quantum gas with single neutral atoms (A4)
- Controlled quantized adiabatic transport in a superlattice Wannier-Stark ladder (C1)
- Controlling superfluid flows using dissipative impurities (B2, B3)
- Controlling the dynamics of atomic correlations via the coupling to a dissipative cavity (B4)
- Correlated photon-pair generation in a liquid-filled microcavity (A2)
- Correlated-photon-pair emission from a cw-pumped Fabry-Perot microcavity (A2)
- Coupled high-finesse optical Fabry-Perot microcavities (A2)
- Creating anomalous Floquet Chern insulators with magnetic quantum walks (C2)
- Critical slowing down near a magnetic quantum phase transition with fermionic breakdown (C4)
- Current reversals and metastable states in the infinite Bose-Hubbard chain with local particle loss (B2, C1)
- DC transport in a dissipative superconducting quantum point contact (B3)