- Real- and Fourier-space observation of the anomalous π-mode in Floquet engineered plasmonic waveguide arrays (C4)
- Real-space imaging of a topological protected edge state with utracold atoms in an amplitude-chirped optical lattice (C5)
- Realization of a Density-Dependent Peierls Phase in a Synthetic, Spin-Orbit Coupled Rydberg System (B2,C6)
- Realization of a density-dependent Peierls phase in a synthetic, spin-orbit coupled Rydberg system (C1)
- Reservoir-induced Thouless pumping and symmetry-protected topological order in open quantum chains (C1)
- Revealing Quantum Statistics with a Pair of Distant Atoms (C2)
- Robustness of topologically protected edge states in quantum walk experiments with neutral atoms (C2)
- Self-generated quantum gauge fields in arrays of Rydberg atoms (C6)
- Spectral Flow and Global Topology of the Hofstadter Butterfly (C2)
- Spectral imaging of topological edge states in plasmonic waveguide arrays (C2, C4)
- Symmetry classes of open fermionic quantum matter (C1)
- Synthetic magnetic fields for cold erbium atoms (C1, C5)
- Terahertz conductivity of heavy-fermion systems from time-resolved spectroscopy (C4)
- Time-resolved collapse and revival of the Kondo state near a quantum phase transition (C4)
- Transverse Anderson localization of surface plasmon polaritons (C4)
- Z2 topological invariants for mixed states of fermions in time-reversal invariant band structures (C6)