Shaon Sahoo, Imke Schneider, and Sebastian Eggert:
🔓 arXiv:1906.00004 (2019)
Driving a quantum system periodically in time can profoundly alter its long-time correlations and give rise to exotic quantum states of matter. The complexity of the combination of many-body correlations and dynamic manipulations has the potential to uncover a whole field of new phenomena, but the theoretical and numerical understanding becomes extremely difficult. We now propose a promising numerical method by generalizing the density matrix renormalization group to a superposition of Fourier components of periodically driven many-body systems using Floquet theory. With this method we can study the full time-dependent quantum solution in a large parameter range for all evolution times, beyond the commonly used high-frequency approximations. Numerical results are presented for the isotropic Heisenberg antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 chain under both local(edge) and global driving for spin-spin correlations and temporal fluctuations. As the frequency is lowered, we demonstrate that more and more Fourier components become relevant and determine strong length- and frequency-dependent changes of the quantum correlations that cannot be described by effective static models.