Christian Wahl, Marvin Hoffmann, Thilo vom Hoevel, Frank Vewinger, Martin Weitz:
Phys. Rev. A 103, 022831Â (2021)
🔓 arXiv:2011.14131 (2020)
Bose-Einstein condensation, an effect long known for material particles as cold atomic gases, has in recent years also been observed for photons in microscopic optical cavitites. Here, we report absorption and emission spectroscopic measurements on the lowest electronic transition (5p6→5p56s) of xenon, motivated by the search for a thermalization medium for photon Bose-Einstein condensation in the vacuum-ultraviolet spectral regime. We have recorded pressure-broadened xenon spectra in the 135 nm to 190 nm wavelength regime at conditions near the critical point. The explored pressure and temperature range includes high pressure gaseous xenon below the critical pressure and supercritical xenon at room temperature, as well as liquid xenon close to the boiling point near the critical pressure.