Enrico Stein, Axel Pelster:
🔓 New J. Phys. 24 023032 (2022)
Since the advent of experiments with photon Bose-Einstein condensates in dye-filled microcavities in 2010, many investigations have focused upon the emerging effective photon-photon interaction. Despite its smallness, it can be identified to stem from two physically distinct mechanisms. On the one hand, a Kerr nonlinearity of the dye medium yields a photon-photon contact interaction. On the other hand, a heating of the dye medium leads to an additional thermo-optic interaction, which is both delayed and non-local. The latter turns out to represent the leading contribution to the effective interaction for the current 2D experiments. Here we analyse theoretically how the effective photon-photon interaction increases when the system dimension is reduced from 2D to 1D. To this end, we consider an anisotropic harmonic trapping potential and determine via a variational approach how the properties of the photon Bose-Einstein condensate in general, and both aforementioned interaction mechanisms in particular, change with increasing anisotropy. We find that the thermo-optic interaction strength increases at first linearly with the trap aspect ratio and lateron saturates at a certain value of the trap aspect ratio. Furthermore, in the strong 1D limit the roles of both interactions get reversed as the thermo-optic interaction remains saturated and the contact Kerr interaction becomes the leading interaction mechanism. Finally, we discuss how the predicted effects can be measured experimentally.