C.-M. Halati, A. Sheikhan, and C. Kollath:
Phys. Rev. A 96, 063621 (2017)
🔓 arXiv:1707.04123 (2017)
We consider theoretically ultracold interacting bosonic atoms confined to quasi-one-dimensional ladder structures formed by optical lattices and coupled to the field of an optical cavity. The atoms can collect a spatial phase imprint during a cavity-assisted tunneling along a rung via Raman transitions employing a cavity mode and a transverse running wave pump beam. By adiabatic elimination of the cavity field we obtain an effective Hamiltonian for the bosonic atoms, with a self-consistency condition. Using the numerical density-matrix renormalization-group method, we obtain a rich steady-state diagram of self-organized steady states. Transitions between superfluid to Mott-insulating states occur, on top of which we can have Meissner, vortex liquid, and vortex lattice phases. Also a state that explicitly breaks the symmetry between the two legs of the ladder, namely, the biased-ladder phase, is dynamically stabilized. We investigate the influence that a trapping potential has on the stability of the self-organized phases.