11-th Symposium on Vacuum based Science and Technology

von Wahl@ifos.uni-kl.de

11-th Symposium on Vacuum based Science and Technology

November 19-21, 2019 – Kolobrzeg, Poland

Conference Information

The 11th Symposium on Vacuum based Science and Technology is organized by the Faculty of Technology and Education and Koszalin University of Technology under auspices of the Polish Vacuum Society, German Vacuum Society, Clausius Tower Society and in collaboration with the BalticNet PlasmaTec.

The mission of the Symposium is to provide a forum for presentation and exchange of research results and expertise in the field of vacuum and plasma science.

The symposium topics will be addressed by invited lectures of internationally recognized scientists.

Conference Topics

  • Plasma physics and techniques
  • Vacuum science and techniques
  • Protective coatings and thin films
  • Characterization of surfaces and thin films
  • Thin films for solar cells and sensors
  • Plasma based surface treatment technologies
  • New trends and concepts in plasma based deposition processes – HiPIMS technology

Contributed papers, accepted by the Scientific Committee, will be presented in oral or poster form.

More information and registration: http://svbst2019.tu.koszalin.pl/
