Workgroup Prof. Artur Widera


New paper published in APL Photonics

Our manuscript "Coherent remote control of quantum emitters embedded in polymer waveguides" has been published in APL Photonics (APL Photonics 5, 016101 (2020);

In recent years, nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond have advanced to a promising, nanometer-scale platform for quantum metrology and quantum information technology. For most applications, bulky, high numerical aperture microscopes grant direct optical access to such quantum emitters.

In our work, we have integrated these quantum systems embedded in nanodiamonds into microscopic, optical polymer waveguides, yielding remote optical access to NV centers. In addition, we have investigated these structures for measuring magnetic fields and ensured that coherence properties are preserved.

Our work is an important step toward realizing photonic chips with integrated quantum emitters.

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